it's not so usal, but result at automatic translate procedure by Google
option:for the time being, for the moment, for the present <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
b.a.w. = bis auf weiteres, in German.
Log Monday Nov 11 07-08 UT. Something's always wrong at RHC. ...
In 07.40-08.00 UT slot only a single RHC English txion noted on
6165even CUB RHC Bauta in English,
- not 6000 6060, nor 6100 kHz outlet on air -
07.45 UT S=9+15dB in remote SDR at Edmonton, Alb-CAN.6165 kHz was on duty at Arnie Coro's final annmt,
"Very Good DX"..., CW signature at 07.47:32 UT.Also SIBC Honiara 5019.998 kHz string visible poor S=5 or -93dBm
in Edmonton remote SDR at 07.46 UT.6000.029 odd fq of CHN Beijing Mandarin Chinese with some English
lesson words in between, 07.43 UT, S=7 or -84dBm,
HFCC request list show #926 antenna, quadrant non-directional type.5800.011 USA WRMI likely SMTV relay, piano mx at at 07.40 UT S=6 or -89dBm
in remote SDR at Edmonton Alberta CAN.73 wolfie
----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Hauser" <>
To: "Wolfgang Bueschel_DF5SX" <
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: HLR auf Kurzwelle, Samstag ? 6190 kHz
Sorry to hear this!Please explain what b.a.w. stands for, in German and English.
On Sunday, November 10, 2019, 11:06:50 PM GMT, Wolfgang Bueschel_DF5SX
<> wrote:re Hamburger Lokalradio shortwave Schwerin Goehren 6190 kHz
automatic translation:
Unfortunately, our colleague, friend and radio manager Michael
Kittner died last Friday! (Nov 8th)For this reason, it will for the time being also no further broadcasts
our program on shortwave!What the future holds, I can not say at the moment - only so much,
that our Hamburg local radio has to restructure completely,
because Michael Kittner, so to speak, the main player in things produce and
producing broadcasting material.I ask on behalf of the entire staff of our transmitter
Understanding that the priorities are currently different!With friendly greetings from Hamburg!
Hamburger Lokalradio
Peter Maiwald (Acting Program Manager)
Musik für Senioren
Puhdys Revival Show
Hamburger Lokalradio
rundspruch.netBirnweg 9
22335 Hamburg Germany
Tel.: +49(0)40/284 88 258
Mobil: +49(0)176/833 57 695
Büro: 040/605 66
www.rundspruch.netPuhdys Revival Show 2019/2020:
10.02.2019 - Zollenspieker, Fährhaus
10.05.2019 - Appen, 28-bar&kitchen
25.05.2019 - Bremen, Hafenrummel
14.06.2019 - Hamburg, Vistro
23.06.2019 - Lägerdorf, KlGV (Open Air)
16.07.2019 - Garding, Musikantenbörse (Open Air)
21.08.2019 - Hamburg-Bergedorf, Konzert im Park - Dr. Carl Kellinghusen
(Open Air)
24.08.2019 - Geesthacht, Tierheim (Open Air)
06.09.2019 - Hamburg, Pflegen & Wohnen Farmsen
18.09.2019 - Hamburg, Nachbartreff Winterhude
03.10.2019 - St. Ingbert, Rohrbacher Mühle
01.11.2019 - Lägerdorf, Wasserturm
19.11.2019 - Hoisdorf, Kirchsaal der Residenz Lichtensee
(50 Jahre Puhdys Geburtstagskonzert)
14.12.2019 - Garding, Lütt Matten (Puhdys Revival Weihnachtsshow)
31.01.2020 - Lauenburg/Elbe, GnaSteiner's
13.03.2020 - Westerdeichstrich (bei Büsum)
20.03.2020 - Potsdam, Bar-54
18.04.2020 - Garding, Lütt Matten
25.04.2020 - Ritterhude (Sofakonzert)Neu: Sofa- oder Wohnzimmerkonzerte
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