Hard-Core-DX.com: Glenn Hauser logs November 6-7-8, 2019

Glenn Hauser logs November 6-7-8, 2019

Friday, November 08 2019

** ALBANIA [non]. 15770, Nov 6 at 2030, WRMI goes right into the polka
from World Music reel, filling instead of Radio Tirana as now
scheduled M-F during this semihour. Also music instead of RT for the
other transmission, UT Thu Nov 7 at 0230. Peter Hanson in FL also has
been hearing music instead of RT previous nights. Again Nov 7 at 2047
check of 15770, world music fill, not RT. I have notified WRMI about
this problem, so hope it will be fixed soon (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** ALGERIA [non]. 6060, Nov 8 at 0529, JBA Qur`an from RTA which is
now here at 04-06 via FRANCE to the Algerian Outback; and weaker //
6105 at 05-07. This 6060 will of course QRM Habana if and when it
resume across and beyond this same span --- will RTA ever get one or
both of their own new SW sites going?? HFCC B-19 continues to include
imaginary registrations for separate frequencies via ORG and BEC

** ARGENTINA [non]. 9395, Nov 6 at 2202, RAE in Italian, good via
WRMI, aimed NNW rather than toward Italy. About 6060: see USA: WRMI!

** CANADA [and non]. 326 kHz, Nov 8 at 0802, dash and YQK, which is
200 watts from Kenora, Ontario. Also on same frequency, different
pitch, MA, 400 watts from Midland, Texas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** CANADA. 7850-CUSB, Nov 8 at 1438, still no CHU. Richard Langley,
NB, replies to my previous reports of Nov 5-6:

``From: National Research Council Canada System status
3.330 MHz: online
7.850 MHz: offline since [2019-10-28 at 17:00 UTC]
14.670 MHz: online

I'll try to find out why. I personally found them missing on 2
November when setting up to record WRMI. I try to start each recording
with a time signal from CHU or WWV as the recorder I typically use
does not time stamp the files.

[later:] From the NRC officer in charge of the transmitters:
"I have had a series of problems with both the main and backup 7850
kHz transmitters and now possibly with the antenna system. Due to
other commitments and bad weather that signal is still off the air.
"I will probably not get it back up this week, I am hoping for early
next week." -- Richard Langley`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO

** CHINA. 7435, Nov 8 at 1440, song at S9, first wondering if it could
be R. Martí, but not // 13820 music, and RM finishes 7435 at 1400.
Instead it`s CRI in Russian at 1400-1500, 500 kW, 37 degrees from SZG
site toward DVR but also USward (and co-channel 7435 in Nepali, 500 kW
at 283 degrees from Kunming, not audible here) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** CHINA [non]. 6180, Nov 7 at 0051 no CRI relay signal yet nor on
9580, but at 0101, 6180 via CUBA is S9 yet JBM in CRI English; much
weaker than 6020 via ALBANIA, which during this hour is still listed
also on 9570. 6180 CRI English is scheduled to overlap with Kashgar,
East Turkistan site for S Asia, which could cause at least an echo.
RNA Brasil should beware of occasionally coming up on 6180 instead of
11780. Something`s always wrong at RadioCuba (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD

** CUBA. 15140, Nov 6 at 2027, RHC English S9/+10 but distorted and
splattering; unlike previous days, 15370 is not also in English,
instead now multi-lingual IDs as if signing on, 2029 Spanish intro of
Arabic ``por FM e internet`` (only), and indeed into Arabic.
Something`s always wrong at RHC. We are within two sesquiweeks of
confusion since B-19 began for everyone else, then the unDST shift,
and Arnie says his new sked won`t be in full effect until Nov 18

** CUBA. 7380, Nov 6 at 2204, no signal from RHC English to Africa,
previously confirmed as having switched to an hour earlier on same
frequency; just as well, due to ACI from Radio Martí now on 7375 this
hour only. Any jamming of that could also bleed over into RHC, tsk2.
The ultimate B-19 schedule shows this transmission to be on 11880. But
next day Nov 7 at 2117, 7380 is back in Arabic, 2200 English into
voice-over translation of a speech in Spanish, but sometimes ahead of
it, must be from script. ACI from 7375 RM cuts on at *2200.5.
Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO

** CUBA. 6000, Nov 7 at 0100, RHC English is JBM and suptorted, S9;
6165 has even less modulation but more signal, S9+10. So English still
exists during this hour altho the ultimate B-19 sked via Wolfgang
Bueschel shows both not starting until 0200 and then running until
0800; joined at 0500-0700 by 6060 and 6100; at 0600-0700 by 5040 where
English has also shifted to 0000-0100. As of Nov 7 at 0711, 6000 is
JBM, 6100 still on and VG, 6165 undermodulated.

6165, Nov 8 at 0750 tune-in, just in time to hear modulation cut off
to dead air at S9+10; but 6165 continues S9+20/30 into `From the
Bookshelf`. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** CUBA. 5980, 6125, 7375, Nov 8 at 0531, jamming against nothing:
5980 wall of noise, no RM until 0600; lighter pulse jamming on the
others: 6125 RM finished at 0400; 7375 RM uses only at 22-23.
Something`s always wrong at the DCJC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** EAST TURKISTAN. 11880, Nov 7 at 1412, CRI English at S3-S7 is still
here and one second ahead of the CUBA relay moved to 15700, S9+30. Now
11880 site is Kashgar, land of Uighur brainwashing (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** EGYPT [and non]. 9900, Nov 6 at 2227, JBA carrier with flutter.
Could it be Cairo? Trying to tell whether the sole (?) surviving
English sesquihour from 2115 really exist; registered as 125 kW, 325
degrees from Abis to W Europe but consequently USward. So would end at
2245. But could already be 500 kW from CNR DOF site in China at
2230-0030; and at 2328 recheck the 9900 is VP fluttering in Chinese.

I do find a long-delayed but just published log in Nov NZ DX Times:
``9900 2230 EGYPT R Cairo very weak in EE; CHINA, CNR1 fair in CC
jamming [sic] R Cairo, 13/9 (Ken Baird, Wainuiomata ** Using the
League’s Northland SDR)``

Only a few services are allegedly extant in B-19:
What about Latin American services? Scheduled: 2215-2330 9545
Portuguese, 2330-0045 Arabic 9620, 0045-0200 Spanish 9875???

9545 not checked yet, but at 0032 no 9620, at 0051 no 9875 (Glenn

** JAPAN [and non]. 9800, Nov 8 at 0744, S9-S7 of rock music, 0745
Japanese announcement, traditional music, then `Autumn Leaves`; not
much else on band except two WRMI TOMBS, 9395 & 9455 and two other
Cuban jammers against nothing on 9565, 9955. NHK now runs here at
0700-0900, 300 kW, 85 degrees from Yamata to CIRAF 14 & 16, i.e.
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, still in the middle of their nights before
5 or 6 am local. Or are they really aiming at Hawaii before 11 pm
there? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH. 3475, Nov 7 at 1359, JBA carrier and not on 3480 or
3485; today`s frequency for Voice of the People. Only 3475 is shown in
the latest Aoki/NDXC. No check for the rest of the jumparounds today

** OKLAHOMA [non]. 341 kHz, Nov 8 at 0803 UT, no signal from Enid`s
only beacon, EI; just OIN from Oberlin KS. Of course hardly any
flights would need it at this hour of our minor regional Woodring
airport. Still no EI at 1955 UT daytime Nov 8

** SAUDI ARABIA. 17615+ and 17705, Nov 8 at 1356, SRI with separate
programming but not on 17895; usually 17705 is the odd one off. Only
significant signals on band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. On the noticiasdx yg José Bueno notifies that REE has
resumed its Spanish DX program, `Amigos de la Onda Corta` hosted by
Antonio Buitrago, with details of the ``Programa del 31 de Octubre
2019, Sábados a las 14.00 horas. Jueves a las 18.30 (rep.)``

For PROGRAMAS we are linked from REE`s website to:
which is an exhaustive alfabetical roster of all? RTVE programs on all
networks including this one:

with archive of 301 podcasts showing that it stopped in Nov 2014, did
one more in April 2017, and has just resumed with two new 2019
editions, the newer one dated Nov 7 about the World Radio Conference,
in Egypt. Durations vary widely, this one 46:30, last week`s 29:45.
The older ones just under 50 minutes, some 55. Must make it hard to
fit into SW schedules, but primarily as podcasts, duration does not

Antonio Buitrago was presenting AdlOC until he got top job to head
revived REE. Glad he has found time to resume it. But when? REE is NOT
on the SW air at 1400 UT! Or is that HNE? In that case UT would be
1300, even earlier during dark period. Maybe 1400 was the UT during
summer time, so now one hour later at 1500 UT, just as transmission
starts? And Thursday at 1730, 1830 or 1930 UT??

Then I find this more explicit header:

``Amigos de la onda corta Jueves a las 18.30 y 23.00 UTC. Sábados a
las 14.05 UTC`` [as if first airing imminent, and Sat be the repeat;
but again, are these summer timings really an hour later now?]

Then I find a current Nov 7 running program schedule, showing no such
program at 17:30, 18:30, 19:30, or any other Thursday time!

I try to find an REE listen-live link, but keep getting shunted to
their podcasts. Of course I can listen to the show that way, but why
not on SW or its own stream, of all programs?

Our Hitlist has a live audio link
but it does not work!

I have to turn on a radio and try to hear the North American frequency
9690 --- no reception. Instead the ME frequency 12030 works, poorly,
but at 1831 UT some show about the European economy, not AdlOC. Never
mind? (Glenn Hauser, Nov 7, WOR iog via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Alan Roe, compiler of the Hitlist, replies:

``Hi Glenn, The "REE live (alt)" link in the Hitlist, i.e.
is working or alternatively
also seems to work. It looks like the other link may have been
discontinued - I'll recheck in time for the next Hitlist update.
And have just found this link which seems to work OK:
Alan Roe, Teddington, UK`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [and non]. 15350.007, Nov 8 at 1350, TRT good with nice
Turkish music only slightly off-frequency; 1352 switch to IS prior to
closing. It`s the OSOB and SSOB from Hemisphere East --- is no one
else trying? Elsewhere on 19m, just Cuba and Miami.

11815.024, Nov 8 at 1401, TRT with Turkish news S7-S9, slightly more
off-frequency than predecessor 15350.007; hardly any NHK CCI, but a
SAH from there during 1433 music.

11540, Nov 8 at 1400, the Kurdo-Turco radio war continues it seems
without so much jumping around (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** U S A. 521-MCW kHz, Nov 7 at 0720, NDBeacon ORC, 25 watts from
Orange City, Iowa. Yes, a few beacons still exist on this band just
below AMBC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13565-CW, Nov 7 at 1410, K6FRC beacon in CA is JBA,
remaining the only one I ever hear on the 13550-13570 ISM HIFER band

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2006 monitoring: confirmed Wed Nov
6 starting at 2200:20 on WBCQ 7490.06v, S8-S9 but noisy. Running late
as usual but no problem as nothing cut. Meanwhile, the former
simulcast on WRMI 9955 remains occupied by RFPI shifted one UT hour
later, along with some pulse jamming.

WOR 2006 confirmed UT Thursday November 7 at 0100, on WRMI 7780, VP
S5-S9 vs storm noise.

WORLD OF RADIO 2007 contents: Alaska, Argentina non, Bangladesh,
Canada, China non, Cuba, Europe, Germany, Iceland, India, Kurdistan
non, Northern Mariana Islands, Oman, Palau, Perú, Romania, Spain,
Tajikistan, Tibet non, Turkey, USA; and the propagation outlook

WOR 2007 is available as of 0625 UT Friday November 8
(mp3 stream) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2007.m3u
(mp3 download) http://www.w4uvh.net/wor2007.mp3
Or via http://www.worldofradio.com/audiomid.html
Also linx to podcast services.

The shortwave broadcasts should be:
[Unique Radio, NSW is off the air until 2020y]
[HLR, Germany, is off due to serious illness of Michael Kittner]

2300 UT Friday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0130 UT Saturday WRMI 7780 to NE, 5850 to NW, 5010 to S
0729vUT Saturday HLR 6190-CUSB Germany to WSW
1300 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE
1531 UT Saturday HLR 9485-CUSB Germany to WSW
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415]
1130 UT Sunday HLR 7265-CUSB Germany to WSW
2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0400vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v? to WSW
0430 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SSE
1859vUT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania to WNW
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Altho partially updated, the WRMI program skedgrid at
continues to show a System D block at 21-22 UT with variety of
programs including three airings of WOR! Except there are NO
frequencies for this hour. Just in case with a new season, I check
7780 again, Thu Nov 7 at 2100 when WOR has been imagined, and indeed
it`s really airing VORW as correctly shown on the System F grid (Glenn

** U S A [and non]. 6060, Nov 6 at 2201, WRMI is on, S6-S9 with music
from SMTV as now scheduled from 2100, ex-5800 which is off, ex-4980.
6060 was chosen in tribute to the legacy frequency of RAE for WRMI`s
relay in Spanish also retimed to 0100, but again Nov 7 at that hour,
no RAE but music fill; and poor vs storm noise around here; 0138
recheck it`s rock music. At least RHC remains absent from 6060.

Oh2, Nov 7 at 2356 check of 6060, NOW RHC has come back in Spanish!
mixing with music which must be WRMI`s SMTV; and RHC // 11760 without
the music. So now there is a Miami/Habana collision, and Arnie`s
ultimate B-19 sked does show 6060 resumed all the way from 00 to 07
UT. I don`t check again until 0111 Nov 8, when by now RHC has gone
away, and WRMI is finally correctly airing RAE Argentina al Mundo in
Spanish on its legacy frequency, fair S7-S9+10 and a bit
undermodulated. So it remains to be heard how all this will shake out

** U S A. 5890, Nov 7 at 0713, WWCR is on again broadcasting nothing
but dead air at S9+20; the others modulate: 5935 PMS at S9+20/30; 4840
& 3215 TOMBS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1160, Nov 7 at 1401 UT, ``AM 1160 The Hope``, church info
for Naperville, soon losing to Spanish presumably Kansas City. WYLL
Chicago, U4 50/50 kW but seldom heard here and never well since day
pattern is circular tangent to SE, and night pattern tight to the
north (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1580, re my log of KQFN Tempe AZ, Rick Barton, AZ, replies:

``Hi Glenn, the KQFN story is about as confusing as it gets. KMIK did
transmit from Tempe/Mesa, but the rumor was, when KQFN came on, they
moved the transmissions from there to a site in SW Phoenix. I drove to
the site and confirmed it. The station is transmitting from a single
tower located just a cupla blocks south of 38th avenue and Indian
School Rd. The nearest address I could give you would be 3883 N. 38
Ave., Phoenix. The signal really loaded up my car radio at that
location. The tower can easily be seen from nearby Grand Avenue, just
to the east. regards from the southwest - rb`` (Glenn Hauser, DX

UNIDENTIFIED. 15022-LSB, November 8 at 1455, 2-way in colloquial
Spanish long contacts discussing women, full of puta-madres and even
coño. Which reminds me, we *never* hear any feminine voices on these
Spanish 2-ways; where are they? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

This report despatched at 1957 UT November 8
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