Consult HFCC B-19 which has just gone into effect, only 11815 entries: Turkey
11815 1000 1500 49,50,54 YAM 300 235 0 208 1234567 271019 280320 D Jpn J NHK NHK 5083
11815 1400 1700 27,28 EMR 250 310 0 215 1234567 271019 290320 D 13700 Tur TUR TRT TRT 4450
11815 1500 1700 49,50,54 YAM 300 235 0 208 1234567 271019 280320 D Jpn J NHK NHK 3054
73,, Glenn Hauser
On Sunday, October 27, 2019, 2:38:57 PM GMT, Stephen C Wood <> wrote:
11815 - ???, Big signal here this morning, 1420 UTC , w/ central asian style language and music. Several ballads and multiple ad streams and canned ID’s for ‘Radio Dinst “ ? Not quite sure of the exact ID. Signal is very good, strong & steady. Ad’s for mobile banking etc.. Definitely high powered transmitter. Haven’t seen any reference to this one but I could have missed something.
Stephen C Wood
Perseus SDR
30 x 15 terminated
superloop antenna
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