Hard-Core-DX.com: Logs Update

Logs Update

Sunday, October 06 2019

** CANADA. 15034-USB, Oct 6 at 1350, CHR Trenton Military is still
distorted and ``no report received`` from anywhere, for at least the
third day in a row (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13565, Oct 6 at 1348, HIFER beacon K6FRC with continuous CW
IDs, 100% copy. First time heard since April 22, despite virtually
daily tunes-across the 13550-13570 band; nor any other such beacons.
Are they all inactive or just not propagating? And has K6FRC been
running all the time, as is the point of being a beacon? K6FRC lux out
as today there are no RHC-FM spurs as one typically blotches around
here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 2002 monitoring October 5: Noel R Green
reports: ``0629vUT Saturday HLR 6190-CUSB Germany to WSW --- a better
signal today, peaking to S7 at times with deep fades. I could copy
some of the audio but the rest was lost in local noise. The signal
appeared to deteriorate towards the end of the broadcast when only
voice could be heard but not understood.

1430 UT Saturday, HLR 9485-CUSB Germany to WSW --- there is definitely
an audible signal today peaking to about S6 and easy to tell it's
Glenn`s voice. But only an occasional word can be understood in the
noise level. There's no QRM from either side.
Noel R.Green [NW England].``

Good; another Romanian transmitter outage; long may it continue gone
from 9490! Glad our two English monitors were tuned, since I missed
checking Sat 1430 on 9485 via UTwente or other remotes. Alan Gale:

``Hi Glenn, World of Radio is coming in well on 9485 kHz at the moment
(1440 UT), probably because there is no sign of the Romanian station
on 9490, and no splatter. Post Equinox propagation is probably a
factor as well, as I couldn't find any sign of HLR on the SDRs in
Finland and Sweden, but it's certainly making it to the
north west of England today. A short mp3 file is attached. Alan``

I also missed checking WA0RCR, 1860-AM, MO, until 0345 UT Sunday
October 6 when they were in ham news, so I trust WOR had just finished
from nominal 0315 start.

Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria, reports: ``GERMANY, World of Radio#2002 via
Hamburger Lokalradio, October 6
1031-1100 7265 GOH 001 kW / 230 deg CeEu English Sun CUSB, weak``

2130 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to NE
0130 UT Monday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to NE
0300vUT Monday WBCQ 5130v Area 51 6160v? to WSW
0330 UT Monday WRMI 9955 to SSE
0930 UT Monday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW
1130 UT Monday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW
1816 UT Monday IRRS 7290 Romania to WNW
0100 UT Tuesday WRMI 7780 to NE
0800 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 5045-USB NSW
0830 UT Tuesday Unique Radio 3210-USB NSW [another episode]
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0100 UT Thursday WRMI 7780 to NE

[Unique Radio times are staying on UT altho NSW is now on DST; and
frequency usage clarified, subject to change]

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

** U S A. 820, Sunday Oct 6 at 0606 UT, WBAP starting `Red Eye Radio`,
but horrible mixture of another `Red Eye Radio` far out of synch,
maybe half a minute apart. At first thought flagship WBAP had its
wires crossed with double audio feed, but it keeps going and I soon
find it is really another signal by DF. As recently reported, WWBA
Largo FL on 820 has been running 50 kW at night and QRMing WBAP all
over the continent, but format had been C&W music. Has it flipped
formats, or is hybrid with both depending on time?

This is hardly a new situation. See my log from *2013* ---

``820, Oct 7 at 0607 UT, Redeye Radio from WBAP has a slight reverb
echo on it, especially when nulled, no doubt from other 820 affiliate,
WWBA in Largo FL, 50/1 kW. I wonder if they make an effort to
synchronize, compensating for a satellite delay to FL from originating
TX, minimizing echo which could be a lot worse between them than here

Guess what, WWBA is still/again listed as an RER affiliate:
And there is one other 820, WGGM Chester VA -- now WNTW, U4 10/1 kW
which we may safely disregard.

RER affiliate list does link to WWBA website:

But no program schedule and a direct link I had in an old log is 404.
Current site does have Listen linx to WIXC 1060 and WWBA 820. Checked
at 1516 Oct 6, WWBA is talking a Dave Ramsey commercial, not C&W.

Also, altho recently reported in DX News as if something new, Terry
Krueger mentioned over two years ago in Sept 2017, that WWBA and WHBO
were diplexed close to his then location in Clearwater.

See DXLD 15-02, for my previous log of WWBA vs WBAP, Jan 9, 2015:
And 15-01 as of Jan 6, 2015, under unID:

** U S A. 1280, Oct 6 at 1342 UT, KSOK Arkansas City KS finishing one
of my favorite tunes, ``Jump``, ID only as ``103-3 The Mixx`` (but
pronounced as if only one X) and a rap version of Jump, not favorite.
No mention of AM frequency! Wow, my radio is somehow picking up an FM
station on AM! Seriously, KSOK is now sounding like full-power 1 kW
and also at full daytime groundwave check 1640 UT. It may have been
fixed for a few days, but this updates my last report that they were

** U S A. RF 31, KDCU-DT, Derby/Wichita KS, 0437-0500+ UT Oct 6,
surprisingly starts coming in due to level-3 tropo over Wichita into
central MO, altho Enid is just outside the edge of level 1 on the
Hepburn predixion map. Also on the edge is KDCU reception, providing
lots of nice DTV breakup art I have photographed and will eventually
add to my gallery, during Univisión programming. Other signals:

RF 45, KSNW ``3`` is still here, not repacked; also Bad signals on 8,
28 and 35. 8 and 35 fit for Wichita market, but 28?

W9WI.com shows KWKD-LP, 15 kW DTV CP for Daystar in Wichita, virtually
38, but which has been LICensed already on 28 as 8.8 kW analog (Glenn

This report despatched at 1706 UT October 6
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