JRX Logs_ October 3-4, 2019
Receiver (s)_ XHDATA D-808
Antenna (s)_ Mini Loop to SW
** 7350. Oct 4, 2019. 0028-0035, China Radio International, Kashgar-CHN, in English. Man voice; A instrumental song; ID and website; 0030 Woman announcer talks about China and your people. Good reception, 45544.
** 7385. Oct 4, 2019. 0020-0028, PBS Xizang, Tibet-CHN, in Tibetan. Man and woman voices; 0025 man talks; 0026 Woman talks. Fair reception, 35533.
** 7430. Oct 4, 2019. 0004-0012, China Radio International, Hohhot-CHN, in Russian language. Man announcer talks news, presumably. Fair reception, 35433.
** 7495. Oct 3, 2019. 2310-2318, China National Radio 1, xx-CHN, in Chinese. Woman and man announcers talks, with backgrounds; 2315 Abrupt ends programming; 2318 No returns! Fair reception to CNR1 brief five minutes, 35433.
** 15130. Oct 4, 2019. 1935-1945, NHK World Japan, Issoudun-F, in Japanese language. Man announcer talks during all log. Fair to poor reception with fades, 35433 to 35422.
** 7300. Oct 4, 2019. 0045-0100, BBC, Woofferton-G, in English. Man and woman announcers present news, including about the BRexit and the Prime Minister Boris Johnson´s actions till october 31; ID and website. Good reception, 45544.
** 7410. Oct 4, 2019. 0012-0020, Voice of America, Udon-Thani-THA, in Burmese. Man announcer in conversation with a man; 0013 Woman talks and next a conversation with a man. Good reception, 45544.
** 7305. Oct 4, 2019. 0100-0110, Vatican Radio, Greenville-NC, in Portuguese. IS and ID; Programming of the day by female voice; Man and woman announcers present Vatican News of Pope Francis and Catholic Church. Good reception, 45544.Important: Now, Vatican Radio with a new instrumental arrangement to the Interval Signal (IS)!
** 7315. Oct 4, 2019. 0036-0045, The Voice of Vietnam, Furman-SC, in Spanish. Man announcements talks about Vietnam development: economy, gross national product and a government incentive policy; ID. Fair reception with fades, 45533.
** 7570. Oct 3, 2019. 2301-2310, Brother Stair-TOM, Okeechobee-FL, in English. Pastor makes a religious preaching and people manifestation with more wailings similar to weeping, presumably. Poor reception, 25422.
JRX_Jose Ronaldo Xavier
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
Cabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3)
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