Hard-Core-DX.com: Log of Sept 30 at 03.57 UT to 05.00 UT

Log of Sept 30 at 03.57 UT to 05.00 UT

Monday, September 30 2019

Log of Sept 30 at 03.57 UT to 05.00 UT of remote SDR unit at
Massachusetts, US state on far northeast coast close to Canadian border.

Surprise, surprise noted US stn likely scheduled WRNO 'Grace for Today'
from New Orleans LA, - after a month or so ...
7505.003 USA WRNO, 3 person talk, " .... hope in your situation... your
ministry partner ... Boston ministry up .. Lousiana site ...
the truth ..." some rap mx, at 03.59 UT, 11 kHz wideband signal,
then 04.00:03 UT, TX switch OFF.

7334.995 USA IBB BBG 'Radio Marti' Spanish sce to Cuba island, S=9+25dB
signal from Greenville NC state, at 04.03 UT on Sept 30.
and hit next channel
7340even CVA Sudan Arabic program 'Eye Radio' backlobe signal on Sept 30
via Vatican Radio at Santa Maria di Galeria, Vatican State,
S=9 at 04.05 UT.

7435even USA IBB BBG 'Radio Marti' Spanish sce to Cuba island, S=8 only
signal from Greenville NC state, at 04.07 UT on Sept 30.
6185even MEX Radio XEPPM Educacion from Mexico D.F., noted at S=7-8 level
or -84dBm in Massachusetts, but S=9+5dB in Cape Canaveral Florida
remote SDR unit. Low modulated at 04.11 UT, Mexico stn hit by
adjacent RRI Galbeni from ROU in Romanian on 6180 kHz.
XEPPM Educacion Mexico D.F. switch off at 05.03:25 UT on Sept 30.
6195.003 USA NHK Radio Japan in Spanish language, via relay WHRI2 from
Furman SC Cypress Creek. S=8-9 in MA US state at 04.12 UT.
Sports news report, football news at 04.13 UT on Sept 30.
6135.105 BRA probably R Aparecida Bras Port, poor S=5-6 at 04.16 UT.
6120even AUT AWR Turkish language service via ORS Moosbrunn site,
two presenter talk, S=8-9 signal across atlantic at 04.17 UT.
6110.002 ETH Radio Fana in Amharic scheduled at this 04.18 UT time,
S=7-8 or -83dBm signal noted.
6090.003 ETH probably R Amhara program sce, tiny S=6 or -89dBm, 04.20 UT
6080.027 STP VoA English sce from Sao Tome, S=6 or -93dBm at 04.21 UT.
6069.981 CAN CFRX Toronto English sce, S=9+15dB in Massachusetts remote
SDR unit, talk on CAMERA systems, upload digital on police net,
digital camera systems around 'my house', private property basics

freedom kind of network ... at 04.23 UT.
6040.003 TUR TRT Emirler in Turkish, scheduled 04.00-05.55 UT,
S=7 or -87dBm at 04.24 UT on Sept 30.
6000, 6100 kHz empty channels, nothing of RHC on air at 04.26 UT.
5990even CUB Bad frequency selection this Sept 30 morning at Cuban
transmission center Quivican San Felipe TITAN 250 kW bcast
site, selected 10 kHz fq down - ex deep night frequency of
CRI Cuban relay site Quivican 23-01 UT instead of scheduled

6000 kHz.
RHC English sce settled here 6165even kHz S=6-7 from Bauta,
S=9+25dB in Massachusetts remote SDR rx, Arnaldo Coro back on air
at 04.29 UT, talk of Latin AM music program R Progreso, talk of
mailbox weekend edition, read letters from India and many
US state listeners too.
5985even USA WRMI Spanish language sce, "Antena DX" program, S=9+10dB,
guitar mx, then Henrik Klemetz Sweden item at 04.31 UT.
5970even USA EWTN Birmingham, nice Spanish language singer group,
S=9+10dB at 04.32 UT.
5959.883 KWT Odd fq and fade-out signal at 04.34 UT, Radio Kuwait,
Arabic sce, S=7 or -84dBm strength in Massachusetts remote
SDR rx.

5935even USA WWCR powerful signal, S=9+45dB power, at 04.36 UT,
talk on ancient Greece and Macedonia people theme.
5925even BOT VoA English S=8-9 at 04.36 UT on Sept 30.
5829.986 USA WTWW English singer group, nice audio sound, S=9+25dB,
11 kHz wideband signal at 04.37 UT.
5800.017 USA Likely WRMI endless bell/carillon play, noisy poor signal
of low power tx unit, S=6 or -88dBm poor and tiny.
4774.996 kHz poor signal likely TWR Africa, Manzini SWZ, 04.42 UT but
hit heavily covered by broadband CODAR system on 4735-4794 kHz.
4812 kHz digital data block STANAG type S=9+10dB at 04.34 UT.
4839.996 USA WWCR talk on 'God Bless You'. TOM BS at S=9+30dB powerhouse
at 04.45 UT on Sept 30.
4885.024 BRA Radio Clube do Para, music program online radio AM 690
S=7 at 04.50 UT.
4930even BOT VoA Botswana, S=7 at 04.51 UT 4959.996 VoA STP at 04.52UT
5025even CUB Radio Rebelde from Bauta, nice mx program, S=9+25dB signal
at Massachusetts remote rx unit at 04.53 UT.
5040even CUB RHC Bauta, Spanish report from Peking, China and Cuban
communist party meet, S=9+35dB powerhouse at 04.54 UT Sept 30.
5085even USA WTWW singer pop group, 13 kHz wideband music block visible,
S=9+30dB at 04.58 UT on Sept 30.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 30)
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