Grayline at 21.15 UT:eastern: Cheju Isl, Seoul, Pyongyang
western: midst between Azores and Newfoundland/Nova Scotia Canada
KOREA REP / MALI Tonight Sept 8 at 21.10 UT noted
1 - both in Europe and NE remote SDR's
5995even kHz RTVM Bamako, Mali S=9 at 21.10 UT, and5995.031 kHz Echo of Hope, Hwaseong, Korea South,
S=8 at 21.15 UT.
2 - both in Hiroshima and Tokyo Japan remote SDR's
nothing heard from even fq Bamako Mali Africa.5995.031 kHz Echo of Hope, Hwaseong, Korea South,
S=9+35dB powerhouse in Japan, at 21.20 UT.73 wb
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Biermann" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2019 12:28 AM
Subject: Re: [WOR] UN-ID 5994.5 MHz 1840-1940 UTC Sept 6. 2019 Pardinho,
Brazil SDR
What are you using to measure the frequency?
On Sep 7, 2019 12:28 PM, "Bruce F." <> wrote:Frequency today actually 5994.95 MHz. On the air now.
 - Bruce (NY, USA)_
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