Most of my DX is via SDR (Elad, Perseus) so computer-resident recording software (Total Recorder most of the time) does the job.
I have used dedicated hand-held digital recorders of various types as well, especially when using portable or desktop receivers.
Zoom, Tascam, Edirol, Sony, and C. Crane (CC Witness) all have competent recorders. Besides DX, these are also good for entertainment radio recording, TV sound, dubbing LP's / 45's / reel-to-reels / cassettes into digital, and recording live material from speech and music to sounds of nature.
Pogo LX was one of the first such recorders (circa 2000 give or take). I still have one kicking around in a junk box somewhere.
Whether using software such as Total Recorder or dedicated recording hardware, it might take a bit of practice to get the right compromise between adequate fidelity and files that aren't too huge. WAV and MP3 are the most popular file formats, ones that can usually be emailed to station personnel for reception reporting purposes.
Paul, do you have a website with links to what you have recorded?
I have this as a start-up page for my stuff:
You can then click on links that cover years 2015, 2016, 2017. 2018, and 2019.
The site has some vintage pre-2000 material too, originally on cassette or reel-to-reel and then converted with Total Recorder.
Gary DeBock out west has amassed many audio clips though I'm not sure if he has a links page for all those DXpeditions.
Same thing for Bill Whitacre: lots of DXpedition recordings.
These guys can toss out many useful tips beyond what I have mentioned.
Mark Connelly, WA1IONSouth Yarmouth, MA
-----Original Message-----
From: 'Paul B. Walker, Jr.' [badx] <>
To: Hard-Core-DX <>; NRC-AM <>; IRCA <>; ABDX <>; odxa <>; badx <>; NASWA <>
Sent: Fri, Aug 23, 2019 12:25 pm
Subject: [badx] Recording Your DX!
I know quite a few of us record our DX, but alot of people still don't. I've run into some old timers who flat out refuse to record, with one telling me "My written log and my word should stand for itself and be enough".
Quite a few people record on computer but I dont for multiple reasons
A.) Potential interference introduced into your DXing system (not very likely but Im taking every advantage I can to reduce interference)
B.) you're Mobile.
I try to come up with ways to do things that anyone, even if they arent too handy can do, with parts/equipment they can get easily no matter where they are.
I use a Zoom H1 digital handheld recorder fed by it's line in port from the rca outputs of my radio and I listen using the headphones in the audio out jack.
I shot a short video a year or two ago after I had a few questions on how to set this up, and its easier to show then try and explain. Here's the video: ;
I know there's one or two DX'ers on this list I've specifically encouraged and been able to help set up with more or less this same system. I'm not saying what you're doing is wrong but if you dont record, you should.. it makes it much easier for stations and in some cases, believeable when they hear it rather then just read a report. I love DXing and I just want peopel to get the most out of it like I know is possible, like I do.
Paul __._,_.___ Posted by: "Paul B. Walker, Jr." <>
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