17th Years of Action Birthday Party :(Thursday 15th August 2019):
Hi, Radio Spaceshuttle has lived quite silent times during the year 2018 and beginning of 2019.
Now we have had two test transmissions during last days and will run our 17th Birthday Party program today on 9290 kHz
So we try to start around 19 hours UTC (Thats 20 hours in British Isles, 21 hours in Western Europe and 22 hours in Eastern Europe).
Start will be few minutes past the hour…. You can see when we are there if any conditions excist on 31 mb.
Reports are very welcome to spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com e-mail! Verifications will be sent during Friday 16th of August. So be quick!
Last One Night in Bankok is our motto today!
Best greetings from Radio Spaceshuttle
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