7550 (NEW )Talks in korean 1905 wirh S10 signal . with very long talks . IN 2000 wtil with talsk tht pases the top o hour . 7575 same time a carrier that still remains for 10 mins at least MY orignal log on 16.7.19 , posted in https://zliangaslogs.blogspot.com/2019/07/logs-for-16719.html
Nothing on eibi
MY todays addition after some search
7550 AIR back with digital stream at S9 . The station in Korean is also in the freq and reltively audible. In contrast this sattion is hed in clear in Japan and Vietnam..
And some audios for anyne who can help:(from tokyo Kspot )
Will try more another day
Also : 7575 is only carier in both 1855 and 1900 (????) as with 16
7540 Deewa in PS via UD Thani THailand on 1858 with a song that seems quite as dangdut but with hindi style pitch I was wandering in these freqs locating the sign off
7545 on 1902 with non synch 75 bd RTTY FSK mode
Zacharias Liangas
https://del.icio.us/gr_greek1/ZAK (all pages)
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