Hard-Core-DX.com: Wolfgang Bueschel: WMR and unid pirate log

Wolfgang Bueschel: WMR and unid pirate log

Friday, June 28 2019

DENMARK 5839.991 kHz at 18.55 UT in England remotedly heard,
S=8-9 or -78dBm, 7 kHz broadband in peaks.
Station annmt by female voice at 18.55:18 UT.

UNID PIRATE stn? 5810.000 exact fq Reggae music.
S=9+5dB at 18.50 UT 10 kHz wideband excellent audio.

Time pips 14 seconds too late at 19 UT.
BrDXC-UK Communication magazine June 2019
mentioned 5810 kHz either R 319 or R Luxembourg or R Mi Amigo pirates.

73 wb df5sx

