June 27, 2019 (Times in UTC)
Rx: Kiwi SDR (PY2-81502 SWL) + PA0RDT Mini Whip Antenna
FRANCE: 15400 kHz Radio Tamazuj, via Issoudun, Arabic, 27/06 1520. Male and
female communications. Interview. (it is very difficult to understand the
language!). 25542 (RG). Tx in Sudanese Arabic w/150° to Africa.
BRAZIL: 800 kHz Radio MEC Brasilia, Brasilia DF, 27/06 2035. Piano music,
instrumental music (characteristic from this station, no songs, just
instrumental music). Radio MEC Rio de Janeiro 800 kHz off-the-air since last
Saturday. 34543 (RG). MEC Brasilia relays MEC FM Rio de Janeiro 99.3 MHz
BRAZIL: 800 kHz Radio Universidade, Santa Maria RS, 27/06 2045. Instrumental
mx. At the end, a full id ‘ZYK292 Radio Umiversidade, Santa Maria, Rio
Grande do Sul’. 23532 (RG). A strong QRM from MEC Brasilia 800 kHz.
SAUDI ARABIA: 17615 kHz Radio Saudi, Riyadh, AA, 27/06 1455. Holy Kuran
songs (male voice). 35543 (RG). Tx in Arabic language w/190° to Eastern
TURKEY: 15520 kHz Voice of Turkey, Emirler, EE, 27/06 1705. Turkish songs.
Female announcer: ‘This is Voice of Turkey’, frequencies, ‘you are listening
to Voice of Turkey’. 25332 (RG). Tx in English language from Emirler w/95°
Az to Central and Southern Asia.
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: 17745 kHz BBC, via Al-Dabbhyia, Somali, 27/06 1440.
Male and female communications. Mentions to ‘BBC, BBC Somali, Djibouti,
Mali, Kenya’. Male voice: phone-in. 35553 (RG). Tx in Somali language w/225°
Az to Africa.
UNITED KINGDOM: 15510 IBRA MEDIA Radio, via Woofferton, Sudanese Arabic,
27/06 1750. Male voice, typical instrumental mx, message. 25432 (RG). Tx in
Sudanese Arabic from Woofferton w/140° to Africa.
VATICAN: 15595 kHz Vatican Radio, Sta. Maria di Galeria, Arabic, 27/06 1540..
Male communication (Vatican Radio message style). Instrumental mx. On 1557:
Interval signal and signing-off. 25432 (RG). Tx in Arabic language w/118° Az
to Southwestern Asia.
VATICAN: 17700 kHz Voice of America, via Sta. Maria di Galeria, Hausa, 27/06
1505. Male and female communications. Nx, comments, ‘VoA’ jingle,
‘Washington’. 35553 (RG) Tx in Hausa language w/184° Az to Africa.
TURKEY: 9460 kHz Voice of Turkey, Emirler, QSL-card arrived in 41 days after
sent a RR to tsr@trt.net.tr . The image from this QSL-card is shown on http
: // dxways-br . blogspot . com .
(RG) - Rudolf Grimm PY2-81502 SWL
São Bernardo SP, BRAZIL
YouTube Channel: GrimmSBC
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