Hi all,These logs are AM logs at the US coast on the Gulf of Mexico, where I
spent a wonderful vacation.All logs were made with a SONY ICF-SW7600 GR in Rosemary Beach, Walton
County, Florida panhandle, USA. All times in UTC!73,
Wiesbaden / Germany==========================================
A) NIGHTTIME [just a few]
800, 2019-06-03, 0209, TWR Bonaire in Spanish, La Palabra de Hoy,
RTM800.org, subsequent programs in accordance with the schedule on their
website, great signal from their new transmitter, 54433830, 2019-06-03, 0258, UNID US talk station (talking about income tax),
faded out just before legal ID, 32422830, 2019-06-03, 0259, Mexican station, just missed the ID, into "La
Hora Nacional" about the city of Mérida in Yucatán, 53433860, 2019-06-03, 0309, Radio Reloj (Cuba) with the typical clock ticks
and cw ID, 32422870, 2019-06-03, 0310, WWL booming in just as during daytime, ad for
Louisiana bourbon, 55544890 // 900, 2019-06-03, 0311, Radio Progreso (Cuba), love song, 53433 on
both channels==========================================
At this location, it was easy to pre-sort stations in the identification
process into three groups based on the bearing:
a) Stations from along the Gulf coast (FL-panhandle, AL, MS, LA),
coming in from an East/West direction;
b) Stations from the Tampa area in Florida, coming in from SE; and
c) Cuban stations (and a few local exceptions) coming from a more or
less North/South direction.In real life, this meant: I hold the radio parallel to the pool where my
daughter was playing -> probably Cuban. I hold it straight into the pool
-> somewhere on the Gulf coast. I hold it at 45° -> probably Tampa.The thermos of ice-cold lemonade was the second-most important accessory
for this week of DX sessions.Some logs were done inside. Luckily the house was pretty much QRM-free
as long as the TV was off. Signals were stronger on the porch than
inside, but at a very humid 98°F / 40°C this was not a long-term option!Note: The gain due to a pure-seawater propagation path from Tampa (and
in one case from Corpus Christi, TX) seems to be vastly underestimated
in the field-strength predictions of fmscan.So many stations heard in the US, and so sad to be back at home in
Europe where daytime AM is practically empty now.
326, 2019-06-03, 2146, PKZ Pensacola is the ONLY NDB heard during
daytime, along with a handful of DGPS stations.530, 2019-05-31, 1539, Radio Enciclopedia, choir, 35453
540, 2019-05-31, 1540, WASG Daphne (AL), cheesy gospel songs, 35443
560, 2019-05-31, 1544, WOOF Dothan (AL), ".. Sports Radio", interview, 25332
570, 2019-05-31, 1549, WTBN Pinellas Park (FL), Family Life Today
program, commercials with toll-free numbers, ID at ToH, 35343590, 2019-05-31, 1600, WDIZ Panama Cizy (FL), rock music, ID as "96
Rock", 44333590, 2019-05-31, 1600, Radio Musical (Cuba), Spanish talk mentioning
Santiago de Cuba, audible in the null of WDIZ, 33422600, 2019-05-31, 1613, WVOG New Orleans (LA), talk about a book "Focus
on Family", 45444610, 2019-05-31, 1946, WVTJ Pensacola (FL), sermon, 44444
620, 2019-05-31, 1947, WDAE St Petersburg (FL), commercials for
something on the Florida west coast, and for the USPS, ID as 95.3 and
iHeart Radio. Then into MLB network talk. 54444660, 2019-05-31, 1951, WXQW Fairhope (AL), money talk, ID, commercials,
Hurricane preparation, children.al.gov, have a family emergency plan,
don't text while driving, etc., ID at ToH, news, then "The Savage
Nation". 45433670, 2019-05-31, 2008, Radio Rebelde (Cuba), Spanish, sports, 35433
680, 2019-05-31, 2009, WGES St Petersburg, Spanish talk, skipped for now
but IDed later, 45343
680, 2019-06-04, 1910, Spanish song, weather "92° de calor", traffic for
Tampa, "Genesis cuempla 30 anos", Trump y la Reina en Londres,
commercials for AAA en toda la Florida, ID as "Genesis 680 AM", 44444690, 2019-05-31, 2009, WQNO New Orleans (LA), Christian pop song, ID as
"Catholic Community Radio", piece about the Acts of the Apostles, 55454710, 2019-05-31, 2017, WNTM Mobile (AL), Talk about the abuse of power
during the Sean Hannity Show, commercials for windows (with a Hannity
discount), weather for the Mobile shore, 24332 as thunderstorms start to
cause QRN710, 2019-05-31, 2017, Radio Rebelde (Cuba - several transmitters),
Spanish talk with echo, 34333750, 2019-05-31, 2028, KKNO Gretna (LA), Gospel "Celebrate the King", 35333
790, 2019-05-31, 2032, WPNN Pensacola (FL), CBS News, pizza commercial,
sunny weather report, ID as WPNN Pensacola, 55444800, 2019-05-31, 2037, WSHO New Orleans (LA), song "The Name of Jesus",
800, 2019-06-01, 1825, dto., sermon, 45343820, 2019-06-01, 1826, WWBA Largo (FL / Tampa), Sports talk (Tampa) in
the Rick Wiley(?) Show, News, WWBA jingle, baseball, 55343830, 2019-06-01, 1834, WFNO Norco (LA), Spanish RnB music, 44343
840, 2019-06-01, 1835, WBHY Mobile (AL), interview, 25232 (oh those
thunderstorms)860, 2019-06-01, 1840, WAMI Opp (AL), one of the few stations coming
from a Northern direction, call-in show, 25232870, 2019-06-01, 1842, WWL New Orleans, a pleasant deviation from the
usual AM formats: a cooking show about seafood, paella in Barcelona and
how it's done in New Orleans. All about cooking soft-shell crabs the
right way. Commercial for a Michael Bublé concert and NO restaurants. 55343890, 2019-06-01, 1850, Radio Progreso (Cuba), Spanish song, 35343
900, 2019-06-01, 1852, WGOK Mobile (AL), Gospel music, commercials, ID
hard to understand but Fairhope was mentioned, which is right next to
Mobile, 25232910, 2019-06-01, 1901, UNID, sermon, 25231
910, 2019-06-04, 2106, talk (Spanish?), chanting, 25442930, 2019-06-01, 1906, WLSS Sarasota (FL), commercials, ID "AM 930" with
rest covered by thunderstorm QRN, sports, 35232
930, 2019-06-04, 1906, Jingle "Money Money", "Wall Street Radio Network"
which is a sponsor of the Phil's Gang program which is scheduled on WLSS
at this time, 35343
930, 2019-06-04, 2059, Gun talk, Commercials, traffic for Venice, ID as
"AM 930 The Answer", 35443940, 2019-06-01, 1908, WYLD New Orleans (LA), gospel song, 35242
950, 2019-06-01, 1909, Radio Reloj (Cuba), Spanish talk with the usual
clock ticks and the RR cw ID, 25141960, 2019-06-01, 1911, WLPR Prichard (AL), pop / country music, 35242
970, 2019-06-01, 1915, WFLA Tampa (FL), talk, 35141
980, 2019-06-01, 1916, WRNE Gulf Breeze (FL), lots of soul music, 45343
990, 2019-06-01, 1935, WGSO New Orleans (LA), talk about sea levels in
the Gulf, river usage and sediments - a rare treat to hear actual
science on talk radio. 34242990, 2019-06-01, 1935, Radio Guamá (Cuba) (listed), Spanish talk, 24222
in the null of WGSO1000, 2019-06-01, 1947, WYBT Blountstown (FL), oldies/country music, 35232
1010, 2019-06-01, 1953, WCKW Garyville (LA), talk, 15111 (not IDed at
this point, cf:)
1010, 2019-06-03, 2157, ID as "EWTN", and WCKW is the only affilate
listed by EWTN on 1010, 15321
1010, 2019-06-06, 1259, "Let us pray", then legal ID, but wait - they
list dozens of callsigns in their legal ID! Is that legal?? Finally
another ID as "EWTN", 253321020, 2019-06-01, 1953, Radio Guamá (Cuba) (listed), Spanish music, ID
not heard, 2001 program "A esta hora", 352421030, 2019-06-01, 2003, KCTA Corpus Christi (TX), Book about Christian
life, 25232
1030, 2019-06-02, 1959, visit KCTAradio.com, win tickets for a family
vacation, how to have a good family relationship, 254221040, 2019-06-01, 2008, WHBO Pinellas Park (FL), CBS Sports Radio, ID
"10-40 The Team" 553431050, 2019-06-02, 1911, WJSB Crestview (FL), Baseball live (with loooong
gaps of silence, must have been a thrilling match), promo for Northside
Hospital which I google to be in the Tampa area, while Crestview is in
the FL panhandle, with both cities at an almost opposite bearing from my
location. 344431060, 2019-06-02, 1914, WLNO New Orleans (LA), gospel music, jingle not
suited for AM since it's unintelligible, 554541070, 2019-06-02, 1917, WNVY Cantonment (FL), Christian sermon, 45444
1080, 2019-06-02, 1918, Cadena Habana (Cuba) (tent), latin mx, 15441
1110, 2019-06-02, 1921, mix of a latin music station (24432) and some
talk/popmx (11432) in the same direction, listed candidates are WTIS and
WTOF, check later1110, 2019-06-04, 1927, WTIS Tampa (FL), Spanish rumba music, ID "Esta
es .. Mega música 101.1, la mejor música", 25432
1110, 2019-06-04, 2113, Spanish love songs, jingle "101.1 La Mega",
Spanish version of "Total Eclipse of a Heart", 354331110, 2019-06-05, 1156, WTOF Bay Minette (AL), WTOF ID, News: D-Day, Gun
control in the US House, 434221130, 2019-06-02, 1923, WQFX Gulfport (MS), solemn music, 25432
1130, 2019-06-04, 1925, sermon of the yelling kind: Awakening, 15421
1130, 2019-06-05, 1959, gospel song, 15321 parallel to their web stream1140, 2019-06-02, 1925, pop music, listed is WPNS Destin (FL) which is
just 50 km from my QTH, I would have thought it should be stronger; no
useful ID ever heard, 35433
1140, 2019-06-04, 2139, pop music such as Amy Whitehouse, Sade, Styx, no
ID even at ToH, 444441180, 2019-06-02, 1930, Radio Rebelde (Cuba), music // to 670, jamming
Radio Martí, 354221190, 2019-06-02, 1932, WMEJ Bay St Louis (MS), pop song, generic
commercials plus "Christian Faith Publishing", ID as "Rejoice AM 1190",
then a piece that sounded like black comedy but wasn't funny at all -
how someone ends up in jail after they tried to cash a check. 454331230, 2019-06-02, 1945, WBOK New Orleans (LA), gospel music, Halleluia,
1230, 2019-06-03, 2009, commercials, jingle "WBOK", 154211250, 2019-06-02, 1948, WHNZ Tampa (FL), talk, tent at this point, 15411
1250, 2019-06-03, 2007, definite WHNZ legal ID, 154211260, 2019-06-02, 1949, WFTW Ft Walton Beach (FL), talk about Hillary
Clinton and Donald Trump, 554541270, 2019-06-05, 1158, WTLY Tallahassee (FL), Breakfast Club, ID "WTLY
Tallahassee' RnB", HipHop, talk about racism, 32422 clearly still dawn
conditions, fading, mixing with 2 other stations1270, 2019-06-05, 1205, WIJD Prichard (AL), southern pastor ranting,
website radiomissions.org which fits the schedule for WIJD's Wilkins
Radio, 32412, faded out to be replaced by WBOJ
1270, 2019-06-05, 1554, sermon by an angry old man, ID with "IJ" in it,
1270, 2019-06-05, 1752, Jesus talk, legal ID with "IJ" in it, phone
number 888-989-3399(?), 23332 with splatter from 1260. Bingo, the WIJD
website says "you may contact the Wilkins Corporate Offices at 888-989-2299"1270, 2019-06-05, 1214, WBOJ Columbus (GA), Jingle heard as "Rumour
102.5" but listed as "Boomer 102.5" (I count that as a match),
commercials, then 100% ID when something is sponsored by "Keep Columbus
Beautiful", oldie music, 324221280, 2019-06-02, 1952, WODT New Orleans (LA), sports talk, 45444
1280, 2019-06-05, 1601, Commercials (hardware store in Lowe Louisiana,
sea food, steak house, air conditioning - all that matters in a southern
summer), ID as "New Orleans talk" and "WRNO 99.5", 454541280, 2019-06-02, 1952, UNID, latin mx, 11411 in the null of WODT, not
heard again later1290, 2019-06-02, 1953, WPCF Panama City Beach (FL), techno music, 45444
1300, 2019-06-05, 1957, WQBN Temple Terrace (FL), Spanish pop song,
14331 parallel to their web stream (yeah, not the old-school way, but on
the afternoon prior to departure, you grow desperate to solve the last
UNIDs)1310, 2019-06-02, 1955, WHEP Foley (AL), Sports live (Tigers), ID
"WHEP", commercials, baseball, 354431320, 2019-06-02,2010, WDDV Venice (FL), talk about the Mueller report,
commercials, IDs as "iHeart Radio 1320" and as "Bloomberg Radio", 244321330, 2019-06-02, 2019, WEBY Milton (FL), Gun commercials, Gun talk:
Which calibre to carry for self-defense, How to NOT use your gun since
hey, it's actually not legal to shoot just anyone even on your property,
it might be your drunken neighbor, 554541340, 2019-06-02, 2026, WTAN Clearwater (FL), Halleluia song, talk about
anxiety about your future, invitation for a Bible study session in
Clearwater, 244221350, 2019-06-02, 2042, WWWL New Orleans (LA), soul music, ID as "92.9
Classic RnB... old school..", 453441360, 2019-06-02, 2053, WMOB Mobile (AL), sermon, at 2101: gospel music,
134211370, 2019-06-02, 2053, WCOA Pensacola (FL), generic commercials,
Pensacola fundraiser, 554541380, 2019-06-02, 2101, WWMI St Petersburg (FL), News, commercials, ID
as "AM 13-80 - The Biz", money talk: Clark Howard Show, 434431410, 2019-06-02, 2108, WNGL Mobile (AL), talk about missionaries and
the Holy Spirit, 35422
1410, 2019-06-03, 1957, very Catholic prayers, Our Father, Hail Mary,
repeated over and over and over...., no ID at ToH, maybe just missed it,
353431420, 2019-06-02, 2109, never IDed this one but presumably it's WBRD
Palmetto (FL), Spanish pop song, 45433
1420, 2019-06-03, 1817, Spanish, commercials, Mexican music, 252421430, 2019-06-02, 2110, WLTG Panama City (FL), threatening anti-refugee
talk "and Mexico does not stop themmmmm" with a British (!) accent, 354331450, 2019-06-02, 2113, WBSR Pensacola (FL), popmx, 55444
1450, 2019-06-03, 1809, WBSR Pensacola (FL), popmx, Jingle "The Wow
90.9", 545441450, 2019-06-03, 1809, WSDV Sarasota (FL), RnB music, ID as "103.9.com,
an iHeart radio station", commercial for something "all over Tampa",
33422 in the null of WBSR1460, 2019-06-03, 1326, WZEP Defuniak Springs (FL), bluegrass music,
Florida News Now, then local news "From the WZEP AM 1460 newsroom",
traffic in Okaloosa and neighboring counties, 35433 (my favorite AM
station not just because they're one of the few remaining local/rural
signature stations with a friendly vibe, but also for a very nice QSL
letter for a [almost DX] reception in Birmingham, AL)1470, 2019-06-03, 1342, UNID talk, 15121
1480, 2019-06-03, 1343, UNID music, fade-out, 15111
1490, 2019-06-03, 1344, UNID, commercials, 23322
1490, 2019-06-03, 1344, music, 11321
1490, 2019-06-03, 1747, WWPR Bradenton (FL), generic commercials, ID
"WWPR 1490", news, commercials with 941 area code (Sarasota/Bradenton
area), 253321490, 2019-06-05, 1804, UNID, oldies, rock'n'roll, country music, 23422
in the null of WWPR1520, 2019-06-05, 2028, WXYB Indian Rocks Beach (FL), Spanish talk,
15431 parallel to their web stream1580, 2019-06-03, 1350, UNID, Spanish pop songs, short talking at 1400
but couldn't understand a word, 35311 (bearing for Gulf coast)1600, 2019-06-03, 1401, KLEB Golden Meadow (LA), French pop song,
commercials, ID as "The Ragin' Cajun 1600 KLEB Golden Meadow". Country
and bluegrass music in French/Creole... interesting listening! 354531620, 2019-06-03, 1416, WNRP Gulf Breeze (FL), info program about
medicine, program for mothers and babies in Escambia [the westernmost
county of Florida], 54343Nothing else up to 1710
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