CHINA Of the traced 65 x CNR1 jamming channels from mainland China,
observed recently on April 6th-8th:here a selection of Monday June 3rd at 13 - 15 UT:
Checked CNR1 +20 kHz wide scratching jamming stns at 13 - 15 UT on June 3:
6075CNR1_echo, 6110CNR1_echo, 6145, 6180, 7210, 9180scratching 20kHz wide,
9215+CNR1_echo, 9470, 9660+scratching 20kHz wide,
9920+scratching 20kHz wide, 10960+scratching 20kHz wide, 11900,
11970+scratching 20kHz wide, 12880scratching 20kHz wide, 13640, 13690,
13835, 14430+scratching 20kHz wide, 14900+scratching 20kHz wide, 15165,
15275+scratching 20kHz wide, 15340+scratching 20kHz wide, 15470+scratching
20kHz wide, 16300, and 17860 kHz+scratching 20kHz wide.Checked on remote SDR units in Seoul_KOR, and various JAP units
in Hiroshima, Nagoya and Tokyo area.
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 3)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Hauser Sent: Sunday, June 02, 2019 9:45 PM
Subject: [dxld] Glenn Hauser logs June 1-2, 2019CHINA. 13870, June 2 at 1349, CNR1 jammer with modern Western
classical music, `cello during the usual Sunday evening concert hour,
// reliable 11785 jammer. Then before 1400, I bandscan and find a
whole bunch more WOOB: 13890 fair; 14640; 14980, 12870 strong S9;
11120 JBA and 11100 stronger; JBA on 14700; JBA carrier on 10960.Consulting Aoki/NDXC and Aoki I then find the above are known jammed
Sound of Hope frequencies, EXCEPT: the strongest, only EiBi has as
SOH on 12870.2; 10960 is SOH relaying RFA, per Aoki; EiBi says
10959.8 but nothing about RFA. 14700 not listed.At 1358 I settle on 12870 where now there are super-hype voice actor
announcements, commercials? 5+1 timesignal and OFF at 1400*
This report dispatched at 1945 UT June 2_
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