Hard-Core-DX.com: JRX Logs: Tuesday, April 9, 2019

JRX Logs: Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Wednesday, April 10 2019

JRX Logs: Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Receiver (s): Degen DE1103 & Tecsun S-2000
Antenna: Longwire made by myself

** 3310. Apr 9, 2019. 2348-0006, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba-BOL, in Spanish. Male announcers talk; 2355 male voice and a brief music; 0001 ID an news by male voice. Reception with noises & fades, very poor to barely audible, 25322 to 25321. (3591km from Cabedelo)

** 15140. Apr 9, 2019. 1804-1820, Radio Habana Cuba, Quivican-CUB, in Arabic. Male talks news; 1810 ID and talks about Maduro and Venezuela; 1818 Female voice talks, ID and a brief song. Reception with noises and fades, 35422..
** 15140. Apr 9, 2019. 1830-1840, Radio Habana Cuba, Quivican-CUB, in Creole. IS, ID; Male and female announcers talk news; ID. Poor reception, fades and noises, 35322.

** 9940. Apr 9, 2019. 0030-0050, Radio Free Asia, Kuwait-KWT, in Lao. Male and female voices in news, presumably; A brief music and talks continues. Fair reception, 35433.Â

** 17655. Apr 9, 2019. 1821-1829, Voice of America, Greenville-NC, in Portuguese. Ana Guedes and man announcer talk about Mozambique floods and infectious diseases, cholera and hiv and a violence in this country; Talks about a urgent vaccination of the affected population; 1825 A news summary by male voice; 1829 Ends programming. Good reception, 45544.

Plus three audio logs!

JRX_Jose Ronaldo XavierÂ
SWARL Callsign PR7036SWL
Cabedelo, Brazil (UTC-3)

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