Hard-Core-DX.com: WOR and DXLD delays

WOR and DXLD delays

Wednesday, March 27 2019


As you may have noticed, I have been producing these every week now
for many years without a break. It`s been my pleasure and passion to
do so. But I have been rather ill the past week, as some medical
issues are catching up with me, cutting into the very long hours I
needed to spend editing and typing at the desktop (in the long run,
this may be a good thing...)

I was already running about a week behind in completing a DXLD issue
after it was used as content for a WOR edition, while ideally, as once
was possible, it would be complete or almost complete by recording

As of early UT March 27: DXLD 19-12 material as on WOR 1974 is still
in raw unedited form, not ready for publication.

I have been gathering material for DXLD 19-13 and WOR 1975, but that
process is not caught up yet. 1975 will not likely be ready for
broadcast even later on Wed Mar 27.

If I don`t lose too much more editing time, I am thinking of finishing
19-13 first to avoid falling further behind; and working on completing
19-12 later on the side when possible.

I know stations and listeners depend on and expect a new edition every
week but for the time being, I must ask people to stand by. Stations
please just repeat 1974 until 1975 is notified or uploaded.

One thing I can still do is DX, as I was already DXing while on the
bed most of the time! I will try to keep producing my log reports
without too much delay.

Thanks for your understanding --- Glenn

