Manuel MÃndez
Lugo, SpainLog in Reinante
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 metersANTARCTICA, 15476, LARA 36, Radio Nacional ArcÃngel San Gabriel, Base
Esperanza, 1255-1408 , 21-03, carrier detected here in Reinante, Lugo,
via SDR Kiwi Pardinho, Sao Paulo, 15475.97, fair signal, Spanish, male
and female with Argentinian accent talking about the daily life in Base
Esperanza, "Estamos preparados para celebrar el aniversario de la
base...", "Mandamos un saludo a todos los oyentes...", female: "Aqui en
Base Esperanza, feliz aniversario para vos tambien..", music, id.
âSeguimos con el programa Compartiendo Esperanza en la frecuencia de
15476 kHz, lra36@hotmail.comâ Strong fading. (MÃndez)BRAZIL
4885, Radio Clube do ParÃ, BelÃm, 0556-0615, 20-03, Brazilian songs,
Portuguese, comments. 25432. (MÃndez)4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0625-0640, 20-03, Brazilian songs,
Portuguese, comments. 15221. (MÃndez)11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 1855-1910, 20-03,
Portuguese, comments, Brazilian songs, at 1900 âNacional informaâ, news.
24322. (MÃndez)11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0943-0955, 20-03, Brazilian songs.
14321. (MÃndez)CONGO, 6115, Radio Congo, Brazaville, 1730-1833*, 20-03, French,
comments, African songs. 13321. (MÃndez)CONGO, D. R., Radio Kahuzi, Bukako, 6210.2, 1750-1801*, 19-03, Extremely
weak, only carrier detected. (MÃndez)ERITREA, 7140, Voice of the Broad Masses, Asmara, 1711-1720, 19-03,
Vernacular comments. Ham interference. 22322. (MÃndez)ETHIOPIA
6030, Radio Oromiya, Addis Ababa, 1820-1850, 19-03, Vernacular comments,
East African songs. 24322. (MÃndez)6090, Voice of Amhara State, Addis Ababa, 1612-1620, 21-03, Vernacular
comments. 24322. (MÃndez)GERMANY, 6070, FTIOM (From the Isle of Music), Rohrbach, *1800-1820,
19-03, English, id. âFrom the Isle of Music, Channel 292, 6070 kHz...â,
Cuban songs, English, Spanish, comments. 24322. (MÃndez)GUINEA, 9650, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 1820-1840, 21-03, African songs,
French, comments, id. âVous ecoutez Radio GuinÃe, chaque jour en langue
franÃaise et langues nationalesâ, African songs. 44444. (MÃndez)LIBERIA, 6050, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 0655-0707, 20-03, English,
religious comments. 24322. (MÃndez)MEXICO, 6185, Radio EducaciÃn, Ciudad de MÃxico, 0545-0630*, 21-03,
songs in English, at 0601 anthem and identification: âRadio EducaciÃn en
el DÃa Mundial del SÃndrome de Down, Radio EducaciÃn, 1060 AM...â,
Mexican songs. No RFI news today. 15321.
Also 0553-0620*, 22-03, songs in Spanish, song âAnsiedadâ by Nat King
Cole at 0607 anthem, identification: âSeis emisoras, una sola vocaciÃn,
1060 AM, Ciudad de MÃxico, 107.9 FM MÃrida, 104.3 FM, Hermosillo, 96.5
FM, Ciudad de Mexico, 95.3 FM, Morelia, y Cultura MÃxico, seÃal
internacional en onda corta para todo el mundo, seis emisoras, un sÃlo
espÃritu, Radio EducaciÃn, Servicio Nacional de ComunicaciÃn Cultural,
servir a mÃs es servir mejorâ, classic music, at 0609, Spanish, Radio
France International news, âEsto es Radio France Internacionalâ. 25322.
7205, Sudan Radio, Al Aitahab, 1640-1655, 19-03, Arabic comments. 15321.
(MÃndez)9505, Voice of Africa, Al Aitahab, 1655-1710, 21-03, East African songs,
French, comments, id. âLa Voix de LâAfriqueâ. 24322. (MÃndez)SURINAM, 4990, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo, 0601-0750, 21-03, songs, some
of them in English, comments, probably in Dutch, strong carrier but very
weak audio, for moments only carrier and audio goes on and off various
times, some minutes on and some off. 15311.
Also 0605-0645, 22-03, songs in English, Dutch, comments. 15411.
(MÃndez)TANZANIA, 11735, Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, Dole, 1750-1815,
20-03, Swahili, comments, African songs. No English news at 1800 today.
Also 1756-1809, 21-03, Swahili, at 1759 tuning music, 1800 time signals
and today English: âThis is Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation, here the
news...â, news in English. 13321. (MÃndez)ZAMBIA, 5915, Zambia NBC, Radio 1, 1830-1845, 21-03, Vernacular
comments, African songs. On air after various weeks inactive. 24332.
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