CUBA 6165 kHz RHC Bauta back here, March 21, 01.15 UT, English,
"Editorial comment of the day...", S=9+25 in remote MA state installation.6180 CRI English relay on Cuba, at Quivican San Felipe TITAN relay site,
S=9+40dB at 01.17 UT.MEXICO 6185 even fq, R Educacion, S=9+5dB at 01.19 UT.
USA 5829.986 kHz WTWW English, call-in program tonight, signal not clean,
BUZZ listened and seen on SDR screen on 60 / 120 / 180 Hertz apart distance,
both sidebands symmetrical.
S=9+25dB in MA US state. 01.11 UT on March 21.5010 WRMI Okeechobee, final annmt of Radio Slovakia Internat, Spanish sce,
00.58 UT March 21.SURINAME 4989.986 kHz R Apintie in Dutch/Surinamese vernac mixed. 00.59 UT.
S=7-8 or -82dBm fluttery signal. March 21.BRAZIL 4885.023 R Clube do Para, BrazPort, S=8 or -79dBm, 01.08 UT,
checked same program LIVESTREAM 690 kHz.4924.979 probably Brazilian R Educacion Rural at 01.01 UTS=6-7 only.
73 wb df5sx