UZBEKISTAN 15640 DRM test March 20. RRTM RED Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan
bcast center will do a DRM test on Wednesday March 20th from 1430-1500 UT on
15640 kHz. Depending upon the result they may switch the frequency of the
planned test on March 26th to a frequency in the 17 MHz range.
(via Hans Johnson-FL-USA, dxld March 19)UZBEKISTAN 15640 DRM test from RRTM RED Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan bcast
center on March 20. Planned 1430-1500 UT. {but did not take place, wb.}Den hatten wir noch nicht, nur die geplante regulaere Sendung naechste
Woche, March 26.Item, der Test heute ist ausgefallen, da es Probleme an der Antenne gab.
Neuer Versuch ggf morgen zur gleichen Zeit.{automatic translation}
15640 kHz DRM Test from RRTM RED Telecom Tashkent Uzbekistan-bcast-center
on March 20.We did not have that yet, just the planned regular broadcast next week,
March 26, 1430-1500 UT.The test failed today{March 20} because there were problems with the
antenna. If necessary, try again tomorrow March 21 at the same time.(Christian Milling-D <christian -at->
probably broker of this special transmission from Tashkent
to DRM Convention held in Spain then, wb. March 20)_
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