Hard-Core-DX.com: We're moving to groups.io

We're moving to groups.io

Tuesday, March 19 2019


The time has come for moving this message group to groups.io. Many
radio-related groups are already using this service, so most of you
should be familiar with it. It definitely has a lot to offer for groups
like ours.

You will soon receive an e-mail from Lynn Hollerman inviting you to join
a new group called irca@groups.io. *You'll need to reply to it if you
wish to join the new group*. Other information about the change will be
in the e-mail. Note that this process is different than migrating from
Yahoo group, where migration was automatic. The current e-mail group
will eventually be shut down, so you'll need to join the new one in
order to continue receiving posts.

You can start posting your messages as soon as you make the move.Â
Groups.io has a number of features which should be useful to us. You
can learn more at https://groups.io/static/features . Information
specific to our group can be found at https://groups.io/g/IRCA . I'm
sure we'll soon find uses for them.

This is the type of change many have been looking for, so go ahead and
send those long reports with elaborate attachments (within reason,
anyway. An hour-long Perseus file would be frowned upon....). Feel
free to respond with questions and comments.


