Hard-Core-DX.com: Grayland19 - Feb. 18-23, 2019

Grayland19 - Feb. 18-23, 2019

Tuesday, March 05 2019

Thanks to a last-minute âflash saleâ from Alaska Airlines I made my 19th trip to Grayland, Washington a couple of weeks ago. Propagation conditions were not great but following the motto âeverythingâs better at the beachâ I persevered.

You can see and hear what I heard on this webpage: http://realmonitor.com/am_logs_grayland19.php

Iâm still going through the wav files but thereâs enough on the webpage to give a flavor of what things were like.

Antenna was the usual 160â DKAZ at 287 deg. literally âon the beachâ and in the puddles that collect during winter months on the back-beach. Iâm sure my splashing around provided entertainment to the large number of razor clammers on the beach.

Highlight so far is DWXI, the Delta Broadcasting System, on 1314kHz, a new Philippine station for me from Grayland:


Enjoy and good DX to everyone.

Bill Whitacre
Alexandria, VA

