Hard-Core-DX.com: 1430 WION DX test

1430 WION DX test

Sunday, February 24 2019

Thank you. What format will we find on 1430?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 22, 2019, at 11:51 PM, Forrester S amradio1976@gmail.com<mailto:amradio1976@gmail.com> [ABDX] <ABDX@yahoogroups.com<mailto:ABDX@yahoogroups.com>> wrote:

This from Greg Buchwald via FB

Traveling to WION, Ionia, MI tomorrow to do a bunch of PM. After midnight EST (early Sunday morning), we will be doing testing at full power, omni. Work includes IPM reduction and sweeping each tower so that I can complete the design and construction of a non-resonant power divider. The current resonant tank circuit divider exhibits 4dB of sideband tilt that I currently correct using the cquam exciter. That is, of course, not ideal and we'll be broadbanding that array. WION 1430kHz. We will complete the work with a few highly separated musical selections. DX reports appreciated!

Todd Skaine
ICOM 7300 wth a Superloop
2 Modified 2010s barefoot
Toyota car radio


