This morning Febr 6th 7-9 UT no VoNigeria signals
traced in 41 mb nor in 31 mb.NIGERIA / SPAIN At 2005 UT noted stronger in western and central Europe
9689.918 kHz VoNigeria Abuja in Hausa language S=9+20dB.But in northern Europe Finland and Moscow Russia REE Noblejas is equal level
on even 9690 kHz at same time. Terrible audio mixture.73 wb
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Kenny via Groups.Io" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2019 6:12 PM
Subject: [bdxc-news] Voice of Nigeria 9690 kHz
Quite a good signal this evening from Voice of Nigeria, Abuja, on 9690 kHz
(9689.9) currently with news in English at 1700 UTC.
Weak but fair here with good audio.VON is scheduled on 9690 from 1800 UTC but has been starting transmissions
an hour or two earlier some days recently, it was already on the air when
I tuned in at 1650 UTC today (6 February).
73s Dave Kenny
----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Hauser [dxld]" Sent: Wednesday, February 06,
2019 8:34 PM
Subject: [dxld] Glenn Hauser logs February 6, 2019NIGERIA. 9689.918, Wednesday Feb 6 at 1732, VP carrier, no doubt
VON in English as Dave Kenny, BDXC-UK has just tipped hearing today. I
first heard it on Saturday, not on Sunday, not sure about Monday, but
not even on Tuesday later to het Spain.
(Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)SPAIN. 9690V, Feb 6 at 0025, REE with music, but carrier is
wobbling a bit --- or is it CCI? Only competitor at this hour is KBS
in Vietnamese, doubtful to be heard here.
This report dispatched at 1934 UT February 6_
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