Hard-Core-DX.com: Milestone QSL

Milestone QSL

Sunday, January 20 2019

Congratulations Nigel, glad to see a QSL report here.

> Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 21:12:13 -0700
> From: Nigel Pimblett <nige2730@telus.net>
> To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
> <irca@hard-core-dx.com>
> Subject: [IRCA] Milestone QSL
> ??? Got a QSL from Japanese station 1116 JODR for my MW station #1600
> QSLed.??? QSLing any station is getting harder, but Japanese are still
> about the most reliable.?? Was happy to get JODR as it took luck to hear
> it given 4BC's dominance of the frequency, and then some effort and
> further luck to even identify it.
> 73,
> Nigel Pimblett
> Dunmore, Alberta, Canada

