Wednesday, January 16 2019

Absolutely true, Walt. Other than while under decimating power lines, on three of the last ten days while I was driving around Tacoma, KFBK-1530 Sacramento was good all day long at great levels. It was first noted at noon at the Tacoma Yacht Club and lasted all the way home in Northeast Tacoma.

In other news, KLER-1300 Orofino, ID noted at an excellent level at 9:45p PST 1/14 with frequent mention of The Clearwater. It was a relog from 1998. According to one source, KKOL-1300 goes back on the air in March from its new transmitter site.

Pete Taylor
Tacoma, WA
12225w 4719n
HQ180 & ICF2010
Kiwa aircore & Palomar loops
DX398, SRF-59 & M37V
Eton E100 + Tecsun PL-300/380

