Hard-Core-DX.com: Time Pips Catalog

Time Pips Catalog

Thursday, January 10 2019

In response to an earlier question, I had mentioned that in the course of reviewing our SDR files

from October's LBI DXpedition, Brett Saylor and I had started to compile a listing of time pips. We have decided to share what we have to this point covering Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.

The information includes loggings from the PEI 2018 and QH12 DXpeditions as well as some recent loggings published in IDXD and DXWW.

A downloadable pdf document is now available at http://www.radiodxing.com/TimePipsCatalog.pdf

We will be accepting updates, additions or corrections along the way for future revisions. Those may be sent to me at <amfmdxer@bcdx.us>.


Russ Edmunds


Blue Bell, PA

Grid FN20id

