Hard-Core-DX.com: article


Monday, January 07 2019

As countries in Africa are being inundated with the latest Chinese made cell and internet technology and people are moving away from the freedom of radio, despots everywhere are realizing the wonders of one mouse click filtration and censorship.

Radio is hard to jam and filter.

Internet radio censorship is crazy easy - even a dictator can do it.

Colin Newell - Victoria - B.C. CANADA -

> On Jan 7, 2019, at 6:04 AM, Russ Edmunds <wb2bjh@bcdx.us> wrote:
> This situation exists everywhere within terrestrial broadcast radio, hobby and commercial alike. Radio is old technology and the younger generation has largely passed it by in favor of more modern and I daresay efficient technologies. Radio will continue to exist for a time but some of the younger folks among us may see a day when radio is history.

