Hard-Core-DX.com: TP 5 Jan Victoria version.

TP 5 Jan Victoria version.

Sunday, January 06 2019

Quick, which one of these two is living in the past?

The one who is reliving the good ol' days of December 24th.


The one who claims that he doesn't know how to do that.

Tough philosophical problem.

Probably an excuse for a drink and an evening of cogitation in front
of the fire. (even though there has been the tiniest hint of a
carrier on 1386 on the radio....in real time)

At 02:34 2019-01-06, R. Colin Newell wrote:

What's a recording? :-)

Colin Newell - Victoria - B.C. CANADA -

> On Jan 5, 2019, at 6:22 PM, Nick Hall-Patch <nhp@ieee.org> wrote:
> With conditions like this, all that's left is to go over old recordings.

