Hard-Core-DX.com: TP 5 Jan Victoria version.

TP 5 Jan Victoria version.

Sunday, January 06 2019

With conditions like this, all that's left is to go over old recordings.

The morning of 24 December was pretty interesting
in that Iran on 1098 was heard here. Going over
the SDR recordings, there are ever so faint
traces of the R. Iran chimes also on 585 and 720 at 1530UT on 24 December.

Definitely targets for the next opening...

At 01:29 2019-01-06, R. Colin Newell wrote:

Which is why if we got more than 2 days of sun
in a row, Iâ??d lower my FLAGS for service and
tweaking and put up an end-fed and get my CQ on.

For now itâ??s all wind, rain, gale, torrent, repeat...

Colin Newell - Victoria -

> On Jan 5, 2019, at 5:09 PM, Nick Hall-Patch <nhp@ieee.org> wrote:
> To call this morning dead would be an insult
to any dearly departed. Judging by NHK2's on
line presence, they signed off some time after
1440UT this morning, but the SDR recordings could tell me nothing further.


