Hard-Core-DX.com: TP 3 Jan Victoria version CRI on 963 and 1323

TP 3 Jan Victoria version CRI on 963 and 1323

Friday, January 04 2019

Had a quick listen to my Perseus wav files for 963 and 1323. Nick is
correct. Although conditions to China were not ideal most days between Dec
28th and Jan 2nd, I didn't hear CRI in Russian on 963 during the 15 to 16
hour period. As for 1323, indeed, the CRI IS/fanfare came on at the TOH at
16:00 without any ID, and seemingly left the air after that. 73, ....Walt

On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 5:06 AM Nick Hall-Patch <nhp@ieee.org> wrote:

> The year continues downhill, in spite of the geomagnetically quiet
> conditions; but then there was AFN on 1575... NHK2 again off at 1440UT,
> but not much zip compared with previous days.
> If nothing else,there was time to check 1323 and 963 on the Khabarovsk
> KiwiSDR at 1500 and 1600UT. At 1500UT, 1323 was going strong "Radio
> Kitaya" CRI, with no sign of going off the air per its listed sign off.
> 963 on the other hand showed no sign of Radio Kitaya before 1500UT; no
> wonder it's not being heard just now. At 1600UT no IDs on 1323, but
> recognizable top of the hour CRI music, which stopped at 1600UT, followed
> by a short tone and then off, with NHK1 filling the gap.

