Hard-Core-DX.com: Masset DXpedition 27 Dec 2018 to 2 January 2019

Masset DXpedition 27 Dec 2018 to 2 January 2019

Thursday, January 03 2019

801 Kimchaek has been drifting in frequency for over a year. I assumed they fixed that by now, but I guess not. It's sure as heck not the only one (MW and SW) that is drunkenly wandering the dial in the DPRK. They used to have similar issues with my local FMs in Haeju, but they obviously manifest the problems differently when listening and I had no SDR.

And 1557 Taiwan hasn't been a music station for almost exactly a year now. They switched to RTI News a year ago, so hopefully you are not hearing music.

-Chris Kadlec

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Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2019 21:09:36 +0000
From: Volodya S <canswl@gmail.com>
Subject: [IRCA] Masset DXpedition 27 Dec 2018 to 2 January 2019

*Latest DXpedition from Masset, BC 27 Decemmber 2018 to 2 January 2019*

803.66 NORTH KOREA Hwadae 500 kW Pyongyang Bangsong, Dec 28 1749 - Buzzy,
highly variable carrier with Korean vocals, typical of North Korea.
Constantly drifting several hundred Hz. Seems // to 3320. Down to 803.3
at 17:52 and heading back up. Nominal 801 has someone there, but under a
strong, seemingly unmodulated carrier with a bit of a buzz, too. Same
Pyongyang transmitter?. (Salmaniw,Masset, BC)

803.81 NORTH KOREA Hwadae 500 kW Pyongyang Bangsong, Dec 31 1739 - Buzzy,
drifting, almost FM like signal continues here today with typical North
Korean strident vocals. Drifted up to 804.31 by 17:45. // 3320.
(Salmaniw,Masset, BC)

1557 TAIWAN Kouhu 300 kW directional Music Interactive Network, Jan 1 1612
- I've been watching 1557 because of a rumbly noise in the background, and
wide tracing on the waterfall. Multiple equally spaced lines are visible
on both sides of 1557. Presumably Taiwan with good level of Chinese
speaking. Pretty sure I heard 'Taiwan' at 16:15 and into fanfare and
something 'official' sounding. Does not sound at all like a music
channel. Clearly a sick transmitter (more like a North Korean!), with
buzzy audio with music when rechecked at 17:38. Strong signal, otherwise.
(Salmaniw,Masset, BC)

