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[Swprograms] Good Listening No. 1


My friend and colleague John Figliozzi has helped motivate me to find
interesting spoken word radio programming and podcasts to listen to
while going about my day-to-day activities. In the spirit of his
"Podding Along" initiative, I'd like to offer my own capsule reviews
of interesting programming from a variety of sources and broadcasters.
These will nearly always be available for download and/or podcast, and
might (or might not) be available on shortwave as well.

I'll post URLs for the programming itself, as well as the RSS
formatted feed that you can copy and paste into your podcast

For this first edition, I'd like to highlight some radio hobby-related
programs you probably all know about already, but are available as
podcasts so you can take them anywhere.

1) The "Shortwave Archive" is not a program itself, instead it's a
repository of shortwave air checks that NASWAn Thomas Witherspoon has
set up, and many people contribute to. New files that are uploaded to
the Archive are then made available as podcast episodes. The main web
page for the archive is https://shortwavearchive.com/ . Point your
podcast reader to https://shortwavearchive.com/archive?format=rss.

2) Glenn Hauser's "World Of Radio" is also available as a podcast. The
home page for World Of Radio is http://worldofradio.com/ . The RSS
feed for your podcast reader is
http://feeds.feedburner.com/GlennHausersWorldOfRadio .

3) AWR's "Wavescan" is also available as a podcast. Home page is
https://www.awr.org/program/ENGMI_WAV . RSS feed is
http://feeds.feedburner.com/ENGMI_WAV .

4) "The Shortwave Report" is produced by Dan Roberts and describes
itself as "...A weekly 30 minute review of international news and
opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times,
frequencies, and websites for listening at home". Mr. Roberts' website
http://www.outfarpress.com/ doesn't have much about the program
itself; the podcast feed is located at
http://www.outfarpress.com/podcast.xml .

This list came from http://player.fm which can be searched for
podcasts on a variety of topics; searching can help separate the wheat
from the chaff in this sprawling world.

While not uniquely about shortwave, I would also recommend "Over To
You" from the BBC World Service. It's their listener feedback program
that looks into *why* the BBC took a particular action as well as what
listeners like and dislike about the World Service. Home page is
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p002vsn8 . Podcast RSS feed is
https://podcasts.files.bbci.co.uk/p002vsn8.rss .

If you'd like additional information regarding how podcasts work --
and how to configure a device such as a tablet or smartphone to manage
podcasts -- drop me a note. If there's enough interest, I'll put a
mini-tutorial together.

Here's to Good Listening!

Richard Cuff
Allentown, PA USA
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