[Swprograms] BBC World Service Annual Review for 2009-10 has been published
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[Swprograms] BBC World Service Annual Review for 2009-10 has been published


Includes the BBC's review of World Service activities and operations
for the past year.

There are links there to the full annual review.

Interesting items to this group:

1) Decrease in 20 million in shortwave listenership -- noted
especially in Bangladesh, India, and Nigeria -- countries where one
would think shortwave is still the key method of listening.

2) 39% increase in "visitors" (however defined) to BBC World Service online

A key "pull quote" from Peter Horrocks (Director, BBC Global News
[which includes World Service]) appears on page 1:

"The figures show the success of our multimedia strategy and
investments for global audiences. But the continued dramatic decline
in short wave listening shows that those audiences are rapidly
changing the way they access international news. Unless BBC World
Service can accelerate its response
to those changes, it will face a rapid deterioration in its impact.”

Looks like they're greasing the skids for further reductions in
shortwave utilization, as had been mentioned a few months ago when the
audience numbers first came out.

It's worth a read partly because it sets forth what the BBC believes
the agenda and priorities for the World Service should be in the
months and years ahead.  Whether we longtime observers of, and
listeners to, the World Service agree with this agenda is another

Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA

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