Re: [Swprograms] World Cup is on Shortwave in English - BBC World Service Frequencies
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Re: [Swprograms] World Cup is on Shortwave in English - BBC World Service Frequencies

Excerpts from today`s log report:

** BRAZIL. 11780, RNA, rather weak this time of day, June 11 at 1456 but talking about the World Cup; 1517 also back to play-by-play of second half of Mexico/RSA game, a Portuguese alternative to Spanish from COSTA RICA and CUBA [qq.vv.]. Broadcasting anything else would be unthinkable, and no doubt lots more to come from Brasília when reception is better (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COSTA RICA. 15170, REE relay with Copa Mundial live coverage in Castilian, not // 13740 Cuba [q.v.], of same opening game, México vs Sudáfrica, June 11 at 1452. At 1513 I noticed that this was NOT // REE direct from Spain on 17595, with normal programming, music! That`s certainly unusual. Maybe REE did not get the rights to broadcast it from Spain, just CR? I expect there will be lots more live coverage one way or another from REE.

What`s this continuous noise in the background, heard on all stations? First thought it was a siren, then more like an amplified beehive! Perhaps emanating from Tutu`s yellow and black striped stocking cap; just how cold is it in Jo`burg now, almost winter? Looks like he`s shivering and huddling. How do I know what he`s wearing instead of that glorious purple mitre? Because it`s also on ESPN.

BTW, tho ``RSA`` seems to have fallen out of favour as the short name of the host country, I see it still in use on scoreboards. Whatever became of ``Azania``, once expected to become the official name of the post-apartheid nation? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 13740, blew away their scheduled CRI English relay at 14-16 June 11 to run R. Rebelde instead, live coverage in Spanish of the opening World Cup game from South Africa, 1447 June 11, Mexico vs RSA. Somewhat undermodulated but sufficient considering the huge signal. 1453 during half-time break, Rebelde asserted that it would broadcast ``todos los partidos``. Resumed at 1516 in time for Mexico to score. 

Off the air at next check 1604, but would they have prolonged it if the game had run longer? Meanwhile I had checked all the other Cuban SW frequencies and this was the only one out of the ordinary instead of RHC or RNV.

During this world sequence, there are likely to be further special SW broadcasts from this and other soccer-mad countries, pre-empting regular programming and perhaps on special frequencies at special times. See also BRAZIL, COSTA RICA, GERMANY. Rich Cuff says the BBCWS was also carrying this game, in English altho did not notice it here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also JAPAN

** GERMANY. 13780, June 11 at 1520 once Cuba is off, poor signal in German about World Cup, buzzing background, so must be live coverage here too; of course, the opening game is special, but we wonder how many of the other matches not involving Germany they will broadcast. 
13780 is scheduled 06-10 and 14-18 via Woofferton, 18-20 via Sines.

Not that we care a bit about silly ballgames; just covering shortwave developments. However, this inevitably leads to lots of reporting about what else is going on in South Africa, which could be useful (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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