[Swprograms] Question: What percentage of adult Americans get news via cell phone?
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[Swprograms] Question: What percentage of adult Americans get news via cell phone?

Not exclusively via cell phone but as one of their outlets...

Answer:  36%.

What information are they getting?  1) Weather [I guess that counts as a type of 'news']; 2) Current affairs

Q2:  What percentage of adults get news from both online and offline sources?

Answer:  60%

Q3:  How many different types of media do people use?

Answer:  47% of people use 4 to 6 types of media on a typical day.

Source:  Pew Research Center

Details:  http://www.mcall.com/news/local/all-pew-news-survey-030110,0,1239535.story

One has to believe that International Broadcasters look at statistics like this to help them figure out what media they need to use in order to reach Americans.


Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA

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