Re: [Swprograms] WINB
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Re: [Swprograms] WINB

WINB is certainly on the air, as I recently reported, and heard again on 9265 the morning of Oct. 7. A fuller obit is coming up in DXLD 8-110. gh

** U S A. Brother Scare via WINB, 9265, Oct 2 at 1341, mixing with ``running water`` ute QRM for part of the 1343 minute; and not // Brother Scare via WWRB, 9385 --- at least no // detected during a minute of listening to each frequency. If you don`t like what he`s saying on one station, just tune to the other! Then what?

Just when is B.S. on WINB? Their online sked displays it this way, rather inconveniently, in EDT:

The Overcomer 
Mon-02:00P, Tue-02:00P, Wed-02:00P, Thu-02:00P, Fri-02:00P 
[= M-F 1800 UT, for how long? One hour]

The Overcomer - Bro. Stair 
Sun-05:00P [2100 UT, for how long? 1 hour per sked by time, so why isn`t this included in the following entry?]

The Overcomer (1 Hr.) 
Sun-02:00P, Mon-05:00P, Tue-05:00P, Wed-05:00P, Thu-05:00P
Fri-05:00P, Sat-05:00P [Sun 18-19 so why isn`t this included in the first entry? And Mon-Sat 21-22 UT]

The Overcomer (3 Hr.) 
Sat-02:00P [1800-2100 UT]

The Overcomer (4 Hr.) 
Sat-10:00A [1400-1800 UT]

Note that on Saturdays only, or rather The Sabbath, this adds up to a continuous 8-hour broadcast 1400-2200.

Frequencies? At the top of the page it now shows:
Frequency Schedule (EDT)

0630 - 0800  9265 kHz [1030-1200 UT]
0800 - 1700 13570 kHz [1200-2100 UT]
1700 - 1800 11520 kHz [2100-2200 UT]
1800 - 2300  9265 kHz [2200-0300 UT]

11520??? I was almost convinced the 21-22 UT hour, which only carries Brother Scare, came via DTK in Germany. WRTH, HFCC and EiBi do not have this hour at all on 11520 from anywhere, and Aoki lists it as USA but no further details. The latest FCC update as of August 14 does not have 11520 as WINB or any US station. 

We hear the broadcast just about any day, and it seems to us the audio is appropriate for DTK and not WINB. However, the WINB schedule shows it filling a one-hour gap between 13570 until 21 and 9265 from 22, so it would seem to be their own transmitter. 

Even so, another possible scenario is that it is WINB only in the sense that WINB is being relayed via Germany. But the latest M&B/DTK schedule dated Sept 5 does not show 11520, only 13810, 17485 and 6110 for TOM = The Overcomer Ministry, at other times. Yet another scenario is that 11520 may have been relayed from Germany for a while this summer, then transferred to Red Lion.

We must listen closer to any IDs at beginning or end, and also whether there is any overlap with 13570 and 9265. Furthermore, whenever we tune 13570 with BFO on, we find that the frequency is unstable with a pronounced warble, and if it is the same transmitter, that should also happen on 11520 (and 9265). That may be the clincher once checked. But why doesn`t FCC have 11520 on record??

{Wait a minute: I got so carried away with the 11520 anomaly, that I failed to note that per their sked, at 1341, WINB is supposed to be carrying Family Radio instead of Brother Scare! So the FR sked via WINB is further questionable. Furthermore, WINB is supposed to be on 13570 after 1200 UT, let alone 1300, per their own schedule, and online schedules. Could BS heard on 9265 be something else? Nothing else listed except WMLK, which also uses 9265, but not scheduled anywhere near that hour either, and has been silent for months. I did not check 13570 at that time.}

{at the Overcomer website, if you click on Graphical Shortwave Schedule,[]=t-sys&cal[]=wbcq&cal[]=winb&cal[]=wwrb
it defaults to June 25! But then you can ``jump to`` the current week, and find it is hopelessly confused and out of date, still showing WBCQ 9330 and 5110, which were abandoned months ago. It does however, still claim that 11520 is WINB}

Let`s also check the Family Radio relay times on WINB, which can cause confusion with Harold Camping & Co. showing up here despite his dozen transmitters in Okeechobee and ever-expanding overseas relays. There can never be enough droning from this unordained authority with seemingly limitless broadcasting resources:

Family Radio - English 
Sun-08:00A, Sun-09:00A, Sun-08:00P, 
Mon-08:00A, Mon-09:00A, Mon-08:00P, 
Tue-08:00A, Tue-09:00A, Tue-08:00P, 
Wed-08:00A, Wed-09:00A, Wed-08:00P, 
Thu-08:00A, Thu-09:00A, Thu-08:00P,
Fri-08:00A, Fri-09:00A, Fri-08:00P, 
Sat-08:00A, Sat-09:00A, Sat-08:00P. 

[I.e., much more succinctly, converted to UT, one hour each and with frequencies: Daily 12-14 13570, 00-01 9265.]

Family Radio - Spanish 
Sun-07:00A, Sun-07:00P, 
Mon-07:00A, Mon-07:00P, 
Tue-07:00A, Tue-07:00P, 
Wed-07:00A, Wed-07:00P, 
Thu-07:00A, Thu-07:00P,
Fri-07:00A, Fri-07:00P, 
Sat-07:00A, Sat-07:00P. 

[I.e., much more succinctly, converted to UT, one hour each and with frequencies: Daily 11-12 & 23-24 9265.] 

While we are looking at the WINB program schedule, we find this for Tony Alámo:

Mon-11:00A, Mon-03:00P, Mon-06:00P, 
Tue-11:00A, Tue-03:00P, Tue-06:00P, 
Wed-11:00A, Wed-03:00P, Wed-06:00P, 
Thu-11:00A, Thu-03:00P, Thu-06:00P, 
Fri-11:00A, Fri-03:00P, Fri-06:00P 

Or put much more conveniently, converted to UT: M-F 1500-1600 & 1900-2000 13570, 2200-2300 on 9265. So we may hear how he responds to the charges against him, and whether these broadcasts get canceled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

About 3 weeks ago somebody scattered leaflets all over the part of town where I work. In English and Spanish.  They said "Pastor Tony Alamo tells it like it is... On WINB. Frequency 13.570". Very odd to see any form of advertising for a SW program. 73 (Tim Hall, San Diego, Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry, Oct 2, ABDX via DXLD) 

Following up my earlier observations of WINB: silly me, I assumed the schedule on the WINB website was correct. Well, stations are entitled to the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise by axual monitoring, which is extremely easy to accomplish, as RHC has also found out. 

I had certainly heard 11520 between 21 and 22 with Brother Scare, several times in past weeks, but not any more. At 2058:30, 13570v went from the Fence Lake, New Mexico preacher to sign-off announcement, talking over the Star Spangled Banner! And these gospel-huxters are supposed to be super-patriotic? That`s tantamount to flag desecration. They don`t quite get what you are supposed to do with the SSB, which is: play it all the way thru unimpeded, even if it is a shortened version, when signing on or off. 

Announced QSY to 9265, no mention of 11520, cut off with SSB still playing at precisely 2059:08. Meanwhile I was standing by on both 11520 and 9265. Nothing ever came up on 11520, but a much weaker signal than 13570 came up exactly one minute later on 9265. It had the same warbling unstable carrier as 13570 when monitored with BFO. Did not sound like Brother Scare programming; signal built up a little bit by 2106 when I could be sure the singing on 9265 was not // the B.S. talking on WWRB 9385. If another site was carrying B.S. on 11520 during this hour, it was inaudible. Reception from Europe was not very good, but Spain [not Vatican] to Africa was audible on 11625.

So WINB is not using 11520, which the FCC has not listed anyway, and contrary to its own claimed schedule, switches directly from 13570v to 9265v at 2059-2100 UT. Also, as noted earlier, it appears WINB stays on 9265 at least two hours longer in the morning than the authorized 1200 switch to 13570. And then there`s the YFR and BS programming which does not match the schedule either. Multiple things are amiss here. Cf my comments under EQUATORIAL GUINEA about getting act together (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Checked WINB again Oct 3 to reconfirm scheduling anomalies contradicting own website: at 1235, 9265v with the warbling carrier, Brother Scare instead of Harold Camping on 13570 where there was nothing. At 1300, B.S. continued on 9265 with no ID break.

A different Brother Scare not // 9265 was on WWRB 9385 at 1310; however, he was just barely audible beneath a big hum. Wiggle that patchcord! I then decided that 9385 was running about one minute behind 9265 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

--- On Mon, 10/6/08, Richard Cuff <rdcuff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I have never WINB up in Allentown, but perhaps those
> further afield
> might want to keep an eye on its frequency(ies)  (is it
> even still on
> now?) for changes.
> See
> Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA


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