[Swprograms] Dr Brinkley book on Extension 720
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[Swprograms] Dr Brinkley book on Extension 720


Do you ever get those e-mails for cheap Viagra or remedies that will bring back
your "youth", so to speak? Think these "miracle" remedies are new? They're most
definitely not. Tonight, we?ll talk to Pope Brock who has just written
Charlatan, the story of a man that Brock describes as America?s most dangerous
huckster. Apparently, this con-man was well ahead of his time, selling
worthless remedies all across America, and eventually making quite a name for
himself by implanting goat testicles under the skin of thousands of Americans,
to improve their "virility". (WGN Extension 720 previews, 9:05 pm CST = UT
Thursday Feb 21 0305-0500 via DXLD) 

Must be Dr Brinkley --- yes, per synopsis linked at Barnes & Noble: (gh)

In 1917, after years of selling worthless patent remedies throughout the
Southeast, John R. Brinkley -- America?s most brazen young con man -- arrived
in the tiny town of Milford, Kansas. He set up a medical practice and
introduced an outlandish surgical method using goat glands to restore the
fading virility of local farmers. 

It was all nonsense, of course, but thousands of paying customers quickly
turned "Dr." Brinkley into America?s richest and most famous surgeon. His
notoriety captured the attention of the great quackbuster Morris Fishbein, who
vowed to put the country?s "most daring and dangerous" charlatan out of

Their cat-and-mouse game lasted throughout the 1920s and ?30s, but despite
Fishbein?s efforts Brinkley prospered wildly. When he ran for governor of
Kansas, he invented campaigning techniques still used in modern politics.
Thumbing his nose at American regulators, he built the world?s most powerful
radio transmitter just across the Rio Grande to offer sundry cures, and killed
or maimed patients by the score, yet his warped genius produced innovations in
broadcasting that endure to this day. By introducing country music and blues to
the nation, Brinkley also became a seminal force in rock ?n? roll. In short, he
is the most creative criminal this country has ever produced. 

Culminating in a decisive courtroom confrontation that pitted Brinkley against
his nemesis Fishbein, Charlatan is a marvelous portrait of a boundlessly
audacious rogue on the loose in an America that was ripe for the bamboozling
(via DXLD)

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