Re: [Swprograms] Pandora's Music Box - Enterprise Technology -
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Re: [Swprograms] Pandora's Music Box - Enterprise Technology -

Pandora is frequently running on my notebook PC.  Pandora, in some
ways, provides the "serendipity" factor for those who miss the sense
of music discovery they used to experience on radio before formats
became so narrowly focused.

The Squeezebox, one of the WiFi audio products demonstrated at the
recent SWLFest, integrates with the subscription version of Pandora.

Unfortunately, Pandora is not offered outside of the USA due to
copyright issues -- see

Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA

On 4/11/07, Mike <mwolfson@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Saw this article on the Newsweek web site and thought it might be
> interesting to the membership.
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