[Swprograms] Somewhat OT: Wall Street Journal column on Sirius/XM Merger
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[Swprograms] Somewhat OT: Wall Street Journal column on Sirius/XM Merger

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Key quote:

"Still, there is a reason to root for a merger, and it involves the
group most actively opposing it: the broadcast lobby. When XM and
Sirius made their announcement, a spokesman for broadcasters said the
satellite-radio companies were looking for a "government bailout."

"But this argument is from the possessors of one of Washington's most
potent lobbying forces. If any group is skilled in the ways of
governmental largess, it's broadcasters.

"Compared with commercial radio, a merged XM and Sirius would look
like Florence in the Renaissance.

"It is said that one test of how much competition will exist after a
merger is the extent to which a competitor squawks; the more
complaining, the more there will be a thriving market. Judging by the
decibels from the broadcasters, satellite and broadcast radio would
soon be at each others' throats."


Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA

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