[Swprograms] Radio Budapest demise imminent?
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[Swprograms] Radio Budapest demise imminent?

Tras más de dos meses sin emitirse el programa "Correo del Aire" de Radio
Budapest, esta semana volvió a estar con nosotros. No se pierdan las
angustiosas palabras sobre el cierre de la radio húngara de 
Sergio Pérez. Termina diciendo que el próximo domingo nos ofrecerá el programa
"Revista del Diexismo" si aún están en el aire.

En esta dirección pueden escuchar el programa:
http://programasdx2.multiply.com/music/item/107  Saludos cordiales (José Bueno,
Córdoba - España, Feb 26, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

Summary translation of the 7+ minute clip. Sergio Pérez was required to take
some vacation time as he had built up too much; thus the absence of the mailbag
and DX shows since the beginning of the year. There was no money to pay someone
else to do the shows in his absence. Now he is back and hopes to resume them in
alternation every week. However, as of March 1, part-time staff are being
dismissed, which means two people working in the Spanish section will no longer
be heard, just Sergio and one other full-timer. Thus there will have to be more
repeats and more music fill, rather than new production, for which he
apologizes. He thinks this is the beginning of the end of foreign-language
broadcasting from Hungary. The new management which took over last September
does not keep the staff informed of their decisions, so changes are abrupt
without notice, a very trying situation, since they don`t know if their
services will still exist from week to week. 

Is anyone hearing the English announcers make similar remarx? Well, they are in
Italian; a meeting is scheduled for Feb 28 on closing the external service ---

La redazione di Radio Budapest ha reso noto che è probabile la chiusura 
del servizio italiano, a partire dal primo marzo 2007. La conferma 
ufficiale sarà data nella trasmissione del 28 febbraio. No comment.....
73, (Michele D`Amico, Feb 25, playdx yg via DXLD)

Ciao Michele, ho ascoltato anche io la "emozionatissima" Rita Faragò che ha
dato l'annuncio che tutto verrà deciso il prossimo 28 febbraio in una riunione
che vedrà a confronto l'attuale direzione e quella futura che e ora gestita da
radio M4 e che ha deciso di eliminare tutti i collaboratori esterni nella Radio
Budapest. Se volete potete riascoltarla alle ore 2230 italiane stasera su 6025
kHz --- e registrare (speriamo di no) l'ultima trasmissione di Rita (Dario
Monferini playdx yg via DXLD)

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