Re: [Swprograms] [dxld] PBS on VOA tonight
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Re: [Swprograms] [dxld] PBS on VOA tonight

Correxion: There was not a seprate story about VOA aired on VOA itself. The
text quoted was the introduxion to the PBS Newshour report, which is now
available on their website, audio only so far. 73, Glenn

--- Glenn Hauser <wghauser@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> ** U S A. ``SW radio is going the way of the horse and buggy in most
> countries``, says Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, disgraced resigning chairman of the
> BBG, in a piece on the VOA on the PBS NewsHour, also featuring Neil Currie of
> VOA making the case for keeping English, as well as the usual other
> luminaries.
> The PBS NewsHour story about VOA, and the threats it faces, starts about
> halfway thru. I tuned in late after 2330 UT. Look out for it if your station
> runs the show later. Here`s the Public Radio Fan listing of audio broadcasts
> of
> it, headed of course by the New WETA an hour later:
> Scheduled Broadcasts, UT days and times
> MTuWThF  2300-0000 KQED, KCET Newshour   
> MTuWThF  2300-2355 WLIU, WCWP   
> TuWThFSa 0000-0100 WETA, WNED-AM   
> TuWThF   0300-0400 Spectrum AM   
> TuWThFSa 0300-0400 WILL, WGVU   
> TuWThFSa 0400-0500 WNYC-AM   
> Podcasts are also available. And I see on the show website
> that many of the segments have streaming video
> so
> perhaps this one will too, after a suitable delay. Tnx also to Tom Roche for
> a
> heads-up about this.
  The PBS report introduction: <<<<<<<<<<<<
> The U.S. Government-funded Voice of America has been around for nearly 65
> years, broadcasts in 44 languages, and claims a weekly audience of 115
> million
> worldwide for its news, education, and cultural programming. The organization
> is adjusting to new technology and new global politics after 9/11. For
> instance, there are now four hours of TV broadcasts in Farsi into Iran each
> day, up from an hour a week before 9/11. And Afghanistan is another growing
> focus of Voice of America, with broadcasts in Dari and Pashto, the country's
> two official languages.
> A current budget proposal in front of Congress would cut TV and radio
> broadcasts in Croatian, Turkish, Thai, and Greek, as well as radio
> broadcasts in Albanian, Russian, and Hindi. It also includes a move toward
> more
> native languages and a sharp reduction in international English broadcasting.
> Other ongoing changes at Voice of America include a shift of resources from
> radio to television and the Internet. 
> Tonight, Senior Correspondent Jeffrey Brown has the Voice of America story. .
> .
> 73, (Glenn Hauser, Jan 26, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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