[Swprograms] Fwd: On Background Briefing this week: Loot - real money in virtual worlds
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[Swprograms] Fwd: On Background Briefing this week: Loot - real money in virtual worlds

This looks particularly interesting...

Background Briefing airs on Radio Australia Saturdays 2300 UT, not
exactly a favorable propagation time in eastern North America, but the
program is archived for on demand listening and podcast (I think), as
shown below.

Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Background Briefing <bbing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Aug 24, 2006 8:09 PM
Subject: On Background Briefing this week: Loot - real money in virtual worlds
To: BBANNOUNCE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

This week on ABC Radio National's investigative documentary program
Background Briefing:

Reporter: Cath Dwyer
Virtual worlds are flourishing as millions of online players move in to
set up their virtual lives. There are fortunes to be made, and there are
real world consequences.

Sunday             27th August   9:10 am
Tuesday            29th August   7:10 pm
Wednesday          30th August   4:00 am

Last Week
A narrative for a long war
Reporter: Stan Correy

Listen in on the web: recent Background Briefings are now available on
our web site as streaming Real Audio.
You'll find them listed on our front page:



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