[Swprograms] Comments regarding Radio Havana Cuba listening
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[Swprograms] Comments regarding Radio Havana Cuba listening

A couple writers to the NASWA Flashsheet had the following comments
regarding RHC's programming:


Also some very  interesting listening on Radio Habana Cuba this past
week! Very obvious  attempts to downplay Castro's recent
hospitalization and maintain a  semblance of normalcy. Monday - 2030
Nx headlines in EG only commented on  Fidel's hospitalization
following 15 minutes of other world news  (mostly the Middle East
crisis). 2045 - Ed Newmann read Fidel's proclomation  (translated into
English) issued the previous day.  RHC should continue  to provide
historic listening in the days and weeks to come! (Shemanski – NC)

Radio Habanna Cuba has only about 5 minutes of greetings and wishes of
goodwill for Fidel from around the world (mostly from fraternal
countries I noticed).  As usual for Sunday night ­ there is a lot of
good Cuban music while I have been editing this.  So far, nothing on
Fidel¹s condition or Raul¹s great leadership. (Taylor ­ Wi.)


Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA

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