[Swprograms] Google's Blog Search Sidebar (Useful for Radio Discussion?)
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[Swprograms] Google's Blog Search Sidebar (Useful for Radio Discussion?)

Google's offering a Blog Search Side Bar--While not all finds are useful (& the definition of a blog is whatever it's owner says it is), the results can be sernendiptitous. 
BBC World Service
BBC Radio 4
"World of Radio"
One of the results from WOR above was an Blog called HEAVEN TREE  by a cultured woman in Thailand: The entry is: "The Best Radio In The World"
She writes:

What a wonderful discovery.

Now that I have a computer at home, I can use it to all sorts of purposes which were not possible earlier (when I slapped together my posts in crowded internet cafes full of people, noise and stink).

Now I can do things, like -- listening to internet radio.

After checking out the obvious suspects – NPR, BBC (and being glad for it, but a severely bored by the current affairs and breaking news format) – I ventured further afield. And what I discovered was this: Program Drugi Polskiego Radia, that is: Prorgam 2 of the Polish Radio.

I think it is safe to say that there is no other such radio anywhere in the world. This is uniformly high-quality programming on topics of culture -- and exclusively high culture. To give you a flavor of what kind of radio this is: I discovered the program's internet feed only 2 days ago. The following is a list of a few of the items which have delighted me since.


A poetry program late at night (that’s 3 A.M. for me)


Last night they read -- and discussed Petrarch. The thing I remembered best from it was the discussion of the structure of the Canzoni, which are Petrarch’s love poems addressed to a “Laura” (who may have existed, or may simply be a symbol of “laurels”, that is Petrarch’s ambition for literary fame). There are 366 canzoni, one for each day of the year, and the cycle begins on Good Friday, that is the day of Christ’s death, the day on which Petrarch sees Laura in church in Avignon, and falls in love. Counting forward form this day, Laura’s death is announced in the poem corresponding to Christmas Day, the Day on which Christ is reborn. Thus, Petrarch’s love for Laura is seen as contrary or opposed to the salvation of one's soul, and something from which Christ’s coming liberates him....... (It goes on for a ways more here )http://heaventree.blogspot.com/2006/05/best-radio-in-world.html


Alas...it's in Polish or I might be tuning in myself!

Info about Google Blog was from Googleblogoscoped
Chet Copeland
PS: This week I have been listening to (i.e. recording and playing on my MP3 player Lyric FM's Music Box
1500-1800 Dublin time (Heard 10AM-1PM EDT here in NY).  Maybe I hear the New York Times' commercial classical station too much...but I was overwhelmed by the great music and paucity of interruptions.  I could record a week of it and play it again and again!
Thursdays's show:
:00 The Music Box Trish Taylor with music, including at 3.30pm Schubert's Arpeggione Sonata and Schumann's Marchenbilder performed by Ruszard Groblewski (viola) and Katarzyna Jankowska (piano).

Thursday 18th May...
Thursday's afternoon Concert - from Warsawa. Ryszard Groblewski, viola, and Katarzyna Jankowska,piano, play Schubert`s Arpeggione Sonata and Schumann`s Märchenbilder

Friday May 19th...
Friday afternoon Concert - from Lausanne. The Lausanne CO, conducted by Christian Zacharias, perform Mozart`s Violin Concerto No. 3 , with soloist Leonidas Kavakos, and Haydn`s Symphony No. 80

Google Blogoscoped

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Google Blog Search Sidebar

Tony Ruscoe stumbled upon a new Google Blog Search sidebar. This navigation lets you switch between older post or just new posts, and also allows you to subscribe to the feeds for this search. While the functionality was there before (see the older video [WMV]), this layout is new.

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