Re: [Swprograms] Mexican SW directed at Immigrants/Illegals?
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Re: [Swprograms] Mexican SW directed at Immigrants/Illegals?

I doubt the ptb in the Mexican government appreciate the power of SWBC or even
know what it is, since XERMX was closed down. IMER is fighting its own battle
for survival with the domestic stations it has left. Closest to the funxion you
mention would be XERF, 1570, Radio Frontera, Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, which may
be running something like 100 kW now. It still has limited range due to all the
co-channel QRM at night, but maybe some immigrants listen to it. I haven`t
listened enough to say whether much of its programming is specifically targeted
at them, however. 73, Glenn Hauser

--- William Martin <wgmartin@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> All this recent brou-ha-ha about illegal immigrants and the
> fussing over it between the US and Mexican governments
> has made me wonder -- has there been *any* movement within
> Mexico to try to establish some sort of external radio service
> directed at the Spanish-speaking immigrants all across the US?
> I realize that most urban areas with a sufficient number of
> such people have some local AM or FM Spanish stations, or
> Spanish-language hours part-time on some broadcasters,
> but there appears to be a vast unserved number of these
> individuals in sparser-populated areas or in smaller communities.
> I would think that Vincente Fox and other members of his
> government would want to communicate with them. Perhaps
> they could distribute some sort of recorded programming to
> the existing Spanish-language radio stations here, but it sure
> seems like an obvious use for SW. Considering the cheap
> radios I mentioned in my recent posting, it seems like a
> sensible method for some type of "Voices From Home" .
> I haven't heard of anything like that, and I was wondering
> if they've even discussed it in the Mexican-national press.
> I'd love to be able to hear a good strong SW signal from Mexico;
> I'd guess they'd have a lot of music interspersed with whatever
> message they'd want to deliver to their expatriates.
> Wondering, Will

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