Re: [Swprograms] Random notes re recent listening - RA, WWCR, WBCQ
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Re: [Swprograms] Random notes re recent listening - RA, WWCR, WBCQ

"William Martin" <wgmartin@xxxxxxxxxxx> graced with
these words of wisdom: 

> As referred to in at least one recent posting, Radio Australia seems
> to have finally gotten over that ridiculous mid-summer/Christmas
> season of mis-programming and we can finally hear Asia/Pacific and
> programs like Innovation in our North American mornings again. I
> listened to those Monday (1/30) here in the 1300 UT hour; didn't
> check for the Science Show at 1400 UT Sunday due to sleeping later
> while getting over a cold but will try next week if possible. At
> least that wretched call-in program that they've had all these weeks
> is gone. 

Actually, the past two weeks that call-in program was replaced on most 
days by coverage of the Australian Open tennis (which I enjoyed very much, 
thank you!).

However, you are not alone in enjoying the fact that Asia/Pacific is back.

Ted <fedya at bestweb dot net>
Oh Marge, anyone can miss Canada, all tucked away down there....
--Homer Simpson

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