[Swprograms] Programmes I Like (# 17)
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[Swprograms] Programmes I Like (# 17)

"World of Radio"--WWCR:

   Old faithful, I'd say.

   "World of Radio" is 30-minute programme each week covering many
aspects of radio. It is a hobbyist-type programme, and focuses mostly,
though not exclusively, on shortwave DXing and listening. It is hosted
by the ageless Glenn Hauser. [Disclosure: Glenn is a prominent member
of this list, but has had no input into this review]

   After an opening summary of the upcoming items, Glenn dives into
what he has to offer the listener. The programme is devoted to a
reading of news of recent developments in the hobbyist-world, gathered
both by the host as well as various contributors and friends from all
over the globe. Some are regular contributors.

   On occasion, Glenn takes news from other publications, such as BBC
Monitoring, but gives full credit when this happens.

   These items can be radio schedules, information about the show
itself and related shows, news of station and personnel changes, and
the host's own comments on those items.

   There are also DX loggings, reception notes, and news of programmes
in English and other languages (especially Spanish from Latin American
stations).  Lastly, the listener is given details of the effects of
political machinations (especially in the U.S.) on aspects of the
radio industry and hobby.

   Especially helpful is Glenn's listing of schedule changes,
especially at those times when most international broadcasters change
their transmission schedules.

   MW and VHF news are sometimes featured, as are items of a hobbyist
nature. The programme always ends, though, with the propagation
outlook for the upcoming week.

   "World of Radio" is an independent programme, not sponsored by any
station or group. Glenn produces it on his own, and relies on the
contributions (monetary and otherwise) to bring it off.

   It has been around for many years, and offers something of interest
for almost everyone in the hobby. A fine show, and an example of a
genre that is fast becoming extinct.

Website:   http://www.worldofradio.com

E-Mail:     <wghauser@xxxxxxxxx>

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