[Swprograms] Programmes I Like (# 11)
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[Swprograms] Programmes I Like (# 11)

"The National Interest"--Radio National:

   Another example of a fine programme from down under, "The National
Interest" is a 54-55 minute show about Australian national affairs.
Hosted by Terry Lane (a sort of Michael Enright of the ABC), it
presents a series of interviews about newsworthy topics from that
fascinating country.

   Each edition opens with the usual menu, though a short one, as this
programme has few features. Then follows a 3-5-minute slot of
"mini-news", in which Terry reviews news of the past week that
probably didn't make it into the headlines. These stories have an
interesting or off-beat angle, and are embellished by Terry's quirky
and dryly humorous take on them.
   Then come the interviews. In fact, the bulk of the programme is
comprised of them, about 2 or 3 in each show. There are no reports or
packages here, just Terry interviewing various Australian or foreign
politicians, academics, scientists, and journalists.

   They tend to be lengthy (a 30 minute one is not unusual) and thus
provide real depth to the topic. All have a relevance to a recent
event of national interest in Australia, and cover all manner of
things political, scientific, economic, cultural, etc.

   The questions thrown at politicians are thoughtful and critical;
the tone is respectfully cheeky and irreverent. Non-political
interviewees are also put through their paces, though the tone tends
to be more searching, and probing, than critical.

   In all cases, Terry engages in a conversation with his guests,
rather than an interrogation--his tone, personal comments and
observations, assure that.

Website:   http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/natint/default.htm

E-Mail:     <nationalinterest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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