[Swprograms] RA Previews #836; 27-29 Aug '05
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[Swprograms] RA Previews #836; 27-29 Aug '05

Edition 836
Aug. 27-29, 2005

Days and times are in UTC. An * indicates that a program is produced by
Radio Australia. All others are produced by Radio National or by other
ABC Radio networks as indicated. Further information about these
programs, as well as transcripts and on-demand audio files of
particular programs, and a wealth of supporting information can be
obtained from<http://www.abc.net.au>. Additional information and a key
to abbreviations and symbols used appear at the bottom of the page.


[Ed. Note:  The cricket broadcasts on Sat. and Sun. will be heard
only on shortwave and satellite. Due to rights issues, the internet
feed will be silent during those hours (1105-1700 UT).]

(RA or ABC News every hour on the hour.)


0005 -
         ASIA PACIFIC REVIEW* - interviews and reports from the region.
0030 -
         AUSTRALIAN EXPRESS* - stories from and about Australia with  
Roger Broadbent. This week: If you were asked to picture a kangaroo  
you’d probably conjure up an image of one  standing tall, resting on  
its massive tail and then suddenly lunging forward as it hops away  
into the middle distance. So it’ll probably come as a surprise to  
hear that in Australia, and indeed in New Guinea, there are Kangaroos  
that can actually climb trees. They don’t look a whole lot like your  
everyday kangaroo and they’re a great deal smaller. Sadly they’re  
under threat as is so much of our wildlife these days. On the  
Australian Express we find out what’s being done to ensure a future  
for these mini kangaroos. You’re invited to meet the ‘Ten Tenors’,  
former students from Queensland’s Conservatorium of Music. They made  
their international debut in 2002 in Germany in front of a television  
audience of 20 million people and have since sold-out performances in  
Asia, Europe and North America.  They've appeared alongside Rod  
Stewart, Andre Boccelli, Alanis Morissette, Willie Nelson, Sophie  
Ellis-Baxter and Hot Chocolate.  Sadly however not many people in  
Australia know who they are so all ten of the tenors have returned to  
show audiences at home what they do. Recently the entire group  
squeezed into an ABC studio in Sydney for a very special performance.  
And as we’ll hear, the ‘Ten Tenors’ may have started as a bit of fun,  
these days the ten lads are pretty serious about what they do.

0105 -
         PACIFIC REVIEW* - the week that was in the Pacific. [T;%]
         ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS* - a weekly wrap-up of finance and
corporate news from the region.

0210 -
         GRANDSTAND - Live sports from around Australia with an  
emphasis on matches in the Australian (Rules) Football League. This  
week: Round 22 - Hawthorn v Sydney, plus reports and coverage of West  
Coast v Adelaide. (from ABC Local Radio.) <abc.net.au/grandstand/> is  
the program's website.

0805 -
         ASIA PACIFIC REVIEW* (refer to Fri. 2305)
0830 -
         HIT MIX* - the Australian music scene with Brandon Telfer.

0910 -
         GRANDSTAND WRAP - Summarizing the day's sporting activities in
Australia and around the world. (from ABC Local Radio)
0930 -
         JAZZ NOTES* - Australian jazz with Ian Lloyd.

1005 -
        ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS* (refer to 0130)
1020 -
        TALKING POINT* - interviews.
1035 -
        VERBATIM - the story of the 20th century through the voices  
of ordinary Australians. This week: "Dr John Connell" has always  
loved building things. Since the late 1930s he's been involved in the  
construction of some of Melbourne's
landmark buildings. A child of the Depression, he nearly became a  
baker instead of an engineer. [T;%]

1105 -
         CRICKET - Ball-by-ball coverage of the third day's play in the
Fourth Test of "The Ashes" series between Australia and England, live
from Old Trafford. [Start time of coverage approximate after rugby.]

1705 -
         THE BEST OF LATE NIGHT LIVE - - a repeat broadcast of one of  
programs from the past week. <abc.net.au/rn/talks/lnl/> for details.
[T;%] (May be joined in progress.)

1805 -
         THE EUROPEANS - broader historical and cultural perspectives  
on European societies with Keri Phillips.  This week: "25th  
Anniversary of Solidarity".  On 31 August, Poland commemorates the  
25th anniversary of the
establishment of the communist world's first free trade movement:  
Solidarnosc. We hear from some of the Poles involved whose actions  
ultimately led to the collapse of communism. [T;%]
1830 -
         HIT MIX* (refer to 0830)

1905 -
         CORRESPONDENTS' REPORT - The ABC's overseas reporters  
analyze and interpret the week's major events. <abc.net.au/ 
correspondents/> for details. [T;%]
1930 -
         AUSTRALIA ALL OVER - Ian "Macca" MacNamara speaks with  
Australians from all walks of life and relishes the chance to travel  
the country. Every Sunday morning, some 2 million listeners from  
every corner of Australia tune in for their weekly dose of Macca's  
Australia. Wherever you are, whatever the time, why not join them on- 
line or on-air. [%]
(from ABC Local Radio)

2030 -
2041 -
         AUSTRALIA ALL OVER (continues)

2105 -
         PERSPECTIVE - informed commentary.
2110 -
         AUSTRALIA ALL OVER (continues)
2145 -
         RA NEWS*
2150 -
         CORRESPONDENT'S NOTEBOOK* (refer to 1205)

2200 -
         AUSTRALIA ALL OVER (continues)

2305 -
         CORRESPONDENTS' REPORT (refer to 1905)
2330 -
         INNOVATIONS* - A showcase of Australian design, discoveries,
invention, engineering and research skills with Desley Blanch. This
week: A look at the start of an ambitious trace-back system for  
cattle: from
paddock to plate is not without its critics. And the magic log for  
those who
use wood burning fires. [T;%]


0005 -
         BACKGROUND BRIEFING - Radio National's agenda setting,
current affairs radio documentary. This week: "What's the Data?"
Massive databanks are crosschecking all of us. High-tech
surveillance is matching faces, gait, behaviour patterns and
even stress levels to identify terrorists. This is vital work.
But are the results always correct? [T;%]
0055 -
         PERSPECTIVE* - expert commentary

0105 -
         THE SPIRIT OF THINGS - an exploration of contemporary values  
and beliefs as expressed through ritual, art, music, and sacred texts  
with Rachael Kohn. This week: "From Parliament to Prison".  British  
MP Jonathan Aitken was Chief Secretary to the Treasury in John  
Major's Conservative Government, when The Guardian newspaper accused  
him of crimes, including benefiting from arms sales to Saudi Arabia.  
In a much publicised court case, Aitken was convicted of perjury and  
sentenced to 18 months in jail in 1999. [T;%]

0210 -
         GRANDSTAND - Live sports from around Australia with an  
emphasis on today's National Rugby League (NRL) matches including  
live coverage of Canterbury Bulldogs v Penrith Panthers, plus reports  
from Eels v Raiders and Rabbitohs v Cowboys. (from ABC Local Radio.)   
<abc.net.au/grandstand/> is the program's website.

0805 -
         CORRESPONDENTS' REPORT (refer to Sat. 1905)
0830 -
         INNOVATIONS* (refer to Sat. 2330)

0910 -
         GRANDSTAND WRAP - Summarizing the day's sporting activities in
Australia and around the world. (from ABC Local Radio)
0930 -
University of the South Pacific in Fiji earlier this year and  
launched in 1970 in memory of the late Mr. Ray Parkinson, the  
lectures provide a forum for raising public awareness and debate on  
important development issues. The theme for this year's series is   
"Breaking the Poverty
Cycle". Program # 3 looks at poverty in an urban context.

1005 -
          THE MUSIC SHOW - a mix of music, interviews and information  
about the latest developments in music, hosted by composer Andrew  
Ford. This week: Rick Wakeman; Grumpy old Man or Yes man? Take your  
pick as he plays live and relives his glorious rock past as  
keyboardist on the concept albums "Six Wives of Henry VIII" and  
"Journey to the Centre of the Earth". On the classical front  
conductor Richard Hickox, who conducts all manner of operas like  
Death in Venice, Hansel and Gretel and Alcina, and Swedish soprano  
Ann Sofie von Otter whose range is equally diverse including Elvis  
Costello songs, Mahler lieder, Richard Strauss operas and most  
recently a recording by Abba's Benny Andersson!  And more live  
performance from Matt McMahon's trio. Matt is the winner of this  
year's Freedman Jazz Award and one of Australia's most interesting  
pianist and composers in a very large and promising pool of jazz  
musicians. [%]

1105 -
          CRICKET - Ball-by-ball coverage of the third day's play in the
Fourth Test of "The Ashes" series between Australia and England.

1705 -
        IN THE LOOP* - highlights from last Thursday's 2330 broadcast.
1730 -
        THE SPORTS FACTOR - debating and celebrating the cultural  
significance of sport with Mick O'Regan. This week: "Follow the  
Bouncing Ball".  Andrew Gaze has had an experience of basketball few  
could emulate, from a courtside childhood to a five-fold Olympic  
career. Mick O'Regan talks to Australian basketball's favourite son.  

1810 -
         PACIFIC BEAT* - focusing on the island nations which depend on
the Pacific Ocean for their existence, drawing on Australian based
reporters and correspondents throughout the region. With SPORT at :29.

2110 -
         AM - ABC Radio's morning news magazine. [T;%]
2131 -
         DATELINE PACIFIC - a round-up of the very latest news from
the Pacific with interviews and features with all the region's
newsmakers, drawing on the work of RNZI staff and 20 Pacific
journalists from around the region. <rnzi.com> for details. [from RNZI]

2210 -
         AM (refer to 2110)
2240 -
         TALKING POINT - interviews covering a diverse range of  
2255 -
         PERSPECTIVE* (refer to Sat. 1655)

2305 -
         ASIA PACIFIC* - interviews and reports from the region. (T;%>
2330 -
         IN THE LOOP* - Radio Australia's new two hour morning show
celebrates the cultures and peoples of the Pacific. Each day the
programme highlights the trends, opportunities and challenges the
21st century brings for the region.


0130 -
         ASIA PACIFIC* (refer to Sun. 2305)

0210 -
         THE WORLD TODAY - a comprehensive current affairs program which
backgrounds, analyses, interprets and encourages debate on events and
issues of interest and importance to all Australians. (includes a

0305 -
0315 -
         IN CONVERSATION - about scientific matters. This week:  
"Robot Man". Noel Sharkey left school at 15, became a singer and took  
substances. Now Professor Sharkey, he’s explored the nature of  
machine intelligence, experimented with robotic evolution and mused  
on what kind of thinking is beyond computers. [%]
0331 -
         HEALTH REPORT - with Dr. Norman Swan. This week: "Cancer  
Screening, Benefits and Harms". Part 2 of 3.
Part two of this series looks at what might be done to minimise the  
impact of the downside of screening. The series is produced and  
presented by Dr Alex Barratt, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at  
the University of Sydney. [T;%]

0405 -
         BIG IDEAS - lectures, conversations, features and special  
series from Australia and around the world. This week: "Music And  
Fashion--#4 - Fame". Bach was the most famous organist of his day,  
Liszt was the most famous pianist of his, and Mahler's fame rested on  
his prodigious gifts as a conductor. Now we think of all three of  
them as composers: great ones, too. But we're lucky to know their  
music at all. The reputations of composers in their lifetimes are  
subject to the whims of public taste, and that isn't always focused  
on music. In pop, from Jimi Hendrix to Eva Cassidy, death can enhance  
a career. But sometimes famous musicians take their music with them  
to the grave. Nearly a century after Bach's death, it needed  
Mendelssohn to revive interest in his music. [T;%]

0510 -
         PACIFIC BEAT* - focuses in on the island nations which  
depend on
the Pacific Ocean for their existence drawing on Australian reporters
and correspondents based throughout the region. [T;%]


How to Listen to Radio Australia----
Via shortwave:
Best as noted in eastern North America -
2100 - 2300 UTC:  15515
2200 - 0000 UTC:  21740
0000 - 0200 UTC:  17715 (17795 also noted)
0200 - 0900 UTC:  15515 (15160 also noted at times)
0700 - 1400 UTC:   9580 (9590 also noted at times)
1400 - 1600 UTC:   9590 (until fade out)
(Listeners are invited to report reception experience to this editor.)
(Complete worldwide schedule from

Via Internet audio streaming:
from http://www.abc.net.au/ra/tuning/web.htm

Via World Radio Network:
Via CBC Overnight:
Via satellite:
consult <http://www.abc.net.au/ra/hear/america.htm>
Via the Mobile Broadcast Network, which offers WRN

Symbols Used:
Within brackets by each program listing, % denotes that the listed
program is available as an on-demand audio file via the Internet. T
indicates that a printed transcript of the program is available via the
RA or via an ABC domestic network Internet site. Consult
<http://www.abc.net.au/streaming/audiovideo.htm> or the particular
program's web page.

To be updated by 0500 UT Mon.

Good Listening!
John Figliozzi
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