Re: [Swprograms] What do you listen to from America's "non-public" SW broadcasters?
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Re: [Swprograms] What do you listen to from America's "non-public" SW broadcasters?

All the DX Programs on all of them: WWCR's "DX Block" and the following 
that really should be included in that heading on Saturday nights, WHRI's 
with Cumbre", WBCQ's initial airing of "World of Radio" Wednesdays and 
thereof later, WRMI's airing of "DX Partyline" if I miss the HCJB 
original, "Radio Weather" when and if I find one that is actually new and 
listening to (on the multiple stations it is carried on). Note that I don't 
to every repeat of every program, but if I miss one on its first airing I 
will try
to catch it on a later broadcast, and I keep a printed-out copy of Hauser's
and Norfolk's "DX/SWL Program List" by the radio in order to annotate if
I heard it and if reception was good and if there was any anomaly or change.

On WBCQ, "Allan Weiner WorldWide" (0000 UT Sat) and I have called in to
that program and been on-air in the past. Also I really like "Marion's 
Attic" even
though it's been shifted and limited to a bad time Saturday night (0100 UT 
opposite too much other stuff that I watch or listen to. "Off The Hook"
at 2300 UT Wed, the program of the 2600-magazine hacker group and
left-wing crazies. "Odin Lives", the Asatrue Alliance Norse Pagan program
(my people :-) (I guess I should say "my folk" :-) UT Thu 0000. And
"Herald of Truth" every evening at 0415 UT weekdays in a mostly
vain hope to hear something current from the right-wing crazies, but
they keep airing ancient repeats from the mid-20th-century and
rant about the dangers of the onslaught of Communism. Now and
then they DO air something explicitly about their religious position
and explain Christian Identity; if they'd devote more time to the
anthropological aspects of that, it would be more interesting.
"Uncle Ed's Musical Memories", 30 min at 2330 UT Thu, a program
done by Ed Bolton, the same guy who does the "Amos & Andy"
rereations each evening. But I do NOT recommend those; I find
them irritating and his constant pleas for donations on each show
get annoying. I'd rather he stopped A&A and just did the music
programs. (7415 kHz on all these, by the way.)

On WWCR, their "mailbag" program "Ask WWCR", aired multiple
times and repeated over a two-week period. (see website for
times and freqs.) I tune in their religious programs now and then
but no specific preacher; I'm just hoping for extreme views and
amusing ranting, especially with that traditional Southern-revivalist
accent of speech. Can't stand Brother Stair, though. I like the
Creationist "Science, Scripture, and Salvation" 15-minute program aired
several times a week because I'm always listening to science programs
everywhere I can and it's nice to hear the opposition now and then...

On WWRB, "American Dissident Voices" (5085 kHz, 2200 UT Sat and
0300 UT Sun) (terrible times opposite a ton of better stuff! :-) (30
minutes followed by a 30-minute "Herald of Truth/Kingdom Identity")
again to hear what the right-wing crazies are up to. Used to be better
before their recent putsch, when the famous Kevin Alfred Strom,
who has a wonderful radio voice, was forced out and banished. Their
current announcer has an indifferent voice. The main trouble with
WWRB these days is that they're too lazy to update their web
schedule and I never know when anything else is on, plus they seem to
bounce around to different frequencies at odd times.

Hope this input helps!


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